My Little Pony: our friendship is over

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"Oh Fluttershy, you so understand me" Gerard said. He lay in his bed in his room watching television. One of his favorite shows was on. Yes, it was My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic. He would never admit it, but he was a hardcore Brony. He had a secret box hidden in his box filled with MLP merchandise. He had T-shirt, action figures (cause dolls are for girls), the hairbrush, and other collectible items.

"Oh my god" the sudden voice scared Gerard. He looked up to see his best friend, Frank standing in the doorway. Gerard quickly scrambled for the remote, unable to find it, he jumped up and unplugged the t.v.

"How long have you been standing there!" Gerard demanded. His face burned the brightest red.

"Too long" Frank broke down laughing. He started to lose breath and his eyes got all teary. Frank fell on he floor, rolling in laughter. He inhaled all he could but just continued to laugh. Gerard sat on his bed, head in hands. He wanted to cry. The embarrassment wouldn't be as bad if Gerard didn't see Frank as just a friend. No, Gerard had been crushing on Frank for a while. And now his crush knew his deepest secret.

Frank finally stopped laughing and sat up, trying to catch his breath. He sat on the floor and looked up at Gerard, who looked completely gone. He was so embarrassed tears had actually started to roll down his face, that's when Frank noticed how mean he had been. He had laughed right at Gerard's face for something he really and truly enjoyed watching.

"Gerard I-"

"Frank just go. Please"

Frank could feel something inside him aching. Gerard had never wanted him to go. Ever. He had completely hurt this boy that sat on the bed in front of him.

Frank stood up. Gerard thought he was actually going to leave. Frank was going to never speak to Gerard again. Who would want to be friends with a freak who watched shows made for little girls? To Gerard, he was a useless failure that couldn't do anything right. But instead of leaving him there, Frank went and sat by Gerard side. Gerard still sat with his head in his hands, not wanting to even look at the world in front of him.

"Gerard. I'm sorry, I shouldn't have laughed like that. It just....took me on surprise is all"

When Gerard didn't answer him, Franks heart broke. He had straight up hurt Gerard and now he was to embarrassed to even look at him.

"Gerard c'mon"

"No. Just go Frank! I already feel like crap! Just go! Or are you here to make me feel even worse?"

"Gerard, hun, no" he took Gerard's hands from his head and held them in his own. "I shouldn't have laughed at you like that. I just.... ugh I feel like such a dick"

"Your not a dick-"

"Yes I am"

Gerard finally faced Frank. His face still burning red. Frank still held Gerard's hands. They were just a little bit clammy but they were soft hands. The kind of hands Frank wanted to hold and be touched by. He had often dreamed if Gerard's hands. The way they might one day do things to him no other man has done. The thing about Gerard's hands, are they are extremely sassy hands. They did cute things without meaning to. This was something Frank noticed and loved.

"Please don't go around telling people I'm gay or something" Gerard said. Franks heart sank a little. Did Gerard think he was the type of guy to do that?

"If I did, it wouldn't be very fair now would it?"

Gerard took a minute to try and figure out what exactly that meant. Unfortunately, he couldn't think of anything logical.

"What do you mean?"He asked, looking at Frank. They're eyes met, which made the next part harder for Frank to say.

"Im- umm Gee, I'm uh.... I'm gay" it felt good to say that, but was scared of what Gerard's reaction was going to be.

Gerard looked at Frank for a moment, trying to decide if he was genuine or not. He looked terribly confused. Frank was almost unsure of what to do, the moment felt almost awkward.

Suddenly, Gerard shot at him. He leaped into Franks arms, wrapping his arms around his neck and kissing Frank forcefully. Frank was so shocked he didn't move for a moment. He still was unsure of what was going on when his own lips began to move in time with Gerard's.

Instead of laughing at Frank, or telling him to go, or even telling him it was gross. Gerard kissed him. He kissed him. The shock and fireworks shot through both they're body's.

Slowly, they pulled away and opened they're eyes. The light felt almost blinding, but it was a good feeling. Both boys felt suddenly very alive and free. They took a moment to look at each other and smile like a couple of idiots.

"I guess I'm gonna have to give this 'My Little Pony' show a shot, huh?"

"Really?" Gerard's heart beat even more, eager to show Frank his favorite show. It was like Frank was trying to kill him today.

Gerard plugged the tv back in and they sat there watching My Little Pony for four hours straight.they took a few make out breaks of coarse. It is now Franks favorite show too. His favorite was, as it turns out, Fluttershy too.

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