Is blood the only thing you suck?

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It had been a full month before Frank had the courage to return to Gerard's house. A full month had passed from avoiding each other, which was pretty hard to do. A full month of Frank fighting his own mind, trying to contemplate wether Gerard had been telling the truth of not.

You saw them, you know he was telling the truth.
But what if they were fake?
What if Gerard tried to kill me?

A full months worth of these thoughts filled Franks mind. He finally had made his decision, though it was not an easy one, it was one he had made. One he wasn't sure if he would still go through with or not. But eventually, Frank found himself standing outside the small house that he had been in so many times before. So many memories in that house. He felt himself almost blinded by the moonlight. It was increasingly bright tonight as he walked up to the wooden door.

Frank had been here many times before with Gerard. It was Gerard's home, and almost a second one to Frank. Frank had barely known Gerard just six months ago and in a short amount of time they had become something close to best friends. Though Gerard wanted to be more, he would never tell that to Frank. Frank was a straight man and had been his entire life. He had never once doubted his sexuality until he met Gerard at an art show. They had both been admiring the painting of one of Gerard's favorite local artists when they bumped into each other and instantly showed connection. But there was always so much tension around Gerard. It was as if he was radiating lust and capturing Frank in a firm grasp. Though Frank had fought it full force, he kept finding himself wanting to see Gerard more and more. Over time, they simply became good friends that flirted harmlessly now and then. That is, until Gerard told Frank his dark secret.

They had been at Gerard's house. Something about that place was so off. There were not many mirrors, the curtains were thick and always closed, and Frank was not aloud in the basement whatsoever. Frank was always curious as to why, the curiosity killing him and twisting his insides. When Gerard had dosed off on the couch, Frank snuck down there. At first, he wasn't surprised with what he found. A bunch of old paintings of Gerard's and other artists filled the dark room. Then, Frank had discovered the moldy coffin and large refrigerator full of packaged blood. Frank unwillingly screamed at the sight and Gerard was down in an instant. There, he had revealed his darkest secret.


The words seeped into Franks ears and made it's way through him, taking days to fully deep in. Frank made his way out of Gerard's apartment that night and Gerard let him go. Frank had told nobody of what had happened. He kept the secret hidden and secure just as Gerard had. Gerard had wanted to visit Frank, wanted to apologize, wanted to tell him he wasn't going to hurt him. But he let Frank be, figuring he would come back when he wanted to..... or not at all.

Now, a month later, Frank stood on Gerard's porch. He was about to knock when the doorknob began to turn from the other side and soon the wooden door was creaking open. Frank looked up and was met with the eyes of not a monster, but a friend. Frank now took into detail of Gerard's eyes. Never before had he noticed the red sparkle beneath the vibrant hazel. The mix if the colors were so new and beautiful. They seamed so comforting, scary, and mysterious at the same time. Frank almost forgot all about where he was and who he was with, there was just a gleaming color.

"Frank" Gerard let the words seam from his mouth. Franks name always glided over his tongue, felt sweet on his cheeks, and tapped against his teeth. It was such a simple name, a common name at that. But the meaning behind the name was beautiful. Gerard had been alive for a long time. When your alive as long as he had been, you learn to either focus the beauty or hate in the world. Most vampires had grown to narrow in on the hate, but they had also learned to love to contribute to it. Gerard, however, liked to see the beauty. That's why after all these years he still felt bad about drinking humans. He had seen the beauty in them. Gerard then began to do most of his hunting at hospitals and mental institutions. Places where people were already dead inside.

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