Thanksgiving special

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As leader of the flock, I was always in charge of keeping everyone safe.... especially around this time if year. There were always hunters around here that tried to catch us, but we were always too fast. Every year we did the same thing; hide, run, or attack. This is how it had been for years. My father did the same thing with the heard. We were good at this though, nobody ever got anyone from the flock. Except for..... Gerard Way. That devil he was. Somehow, in different ways, he would capture one of us. We never knew who would go. We never see it coming either. Last year, that bastard had taken my cousin. Not only was he threatening the flock, but he was a threat to my family.

The thing was, we never knew what he did with the turkey's he caught. We had investigated a few years. Each year, the turkey goes into the house, but never comes out. Not even feathers, blood, or a head like normal. It was thanksgiving season, he was supposed to eat turkey. So were were the leftover body parts going?

Hi, I'm Frank Anturkey Iero, and I am a turkey.

I woke up to the sound of a snapping branch. When I looked around, I saw the rest of the flock sleeping silently. I stood up and decided to investigate. I walked further away from the flock, and closer toward the direction I had heard the sound.

Now I know what your thinking. Why go toward the sound when you know there's a killer on the loose? Well, I have a few reasons THANK YOU VERY MUCH. Sometimes a poult will wonder off, so it's best to go find it. Or if there was a predator, I could warn the others before he captures them too. Also, I'm pretty tough so....... I can take whatever life throws at me.

I ducked behind a tree, peeking my head through to see if I could see anything. No such luck. I slowly walked forward, being cautious as I did so. Before I knew it, I felt a sharp pain in my neck. Then.... complete darkness.


When I woke up I was in a bedroom, laying on a bed. I noticed that my wings were being held down with an unknown force. I looked around the room to see it was virtually empty.

"SKWAAAAK" I called out. "SCKWARK" I tried to flail my body around but it was no use. I was stuck.

I heard a creaking noise and I looked over to the door to see it was slightly open, a mans head peaking through.

"Squawk!!!!" I shouted at him.

He opened the door further and stepped inside. That's when noticed it. It was Gerard Way, the greatest enemy against my flock. He was..... actually kind of hot. Like, damn. If I were human I would hit that so hard. He wore clothing. Such a weird simple thing that humans seamed to love. It was like a second skin to humans. It all looked different, just like how my feathers were different to other turkey's.

"Hello" he spoke. I understood his language. I learned it from my father who learned it form his grandfather. That's part of the reason I was qualified to be leader of the flock.


He sighed and sat down at the end of the bed, giving me a sorry look.

"I'm Gerard" he spoke carefully. "Don't be shy, I'm not gonna hurt you. I just want to help you"

What did he mean he wanted to help me? He could help me by letting me go!


He signed heavily again.

"Do you know your name?" He asked. I thought for a moment before letting out a scratchy( and very loud) "Frank Squack"

"Frank? Well it's nice to meet you, Frank. Listen, I'm gonna ask you a few questions and I need you to answer them honestly, okay?"

Frank & Gerard One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now