Radical Red

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"I think we should go with blue"

"Frank, we're adopting a girl"

"So? Are you being color racist?"

"What does that even mean?" Gerard chuckled. I turned from him to face array of colors. We had really stood out of place when we first walked into Home Depot, but when we walked toward the paint it made sense to buff man in the orange apron. But, it always looked weird when we held hands in public. Geez, you would think people have never seen a gay couple before.

"Red?" I offered instead of answering my husbands question. Today was the day we were gonna paint our child's room. Well, technically it wasn't our child. But it would be soon. It took a while for us to get approved to adopt, but we had just found out that in a few short months we could drive down to Florida and pick up a girl. Cherry had been her name. So, red suited it. Gerard thought for a moment.

"Like a dark red or light red?" He gazed over the many options. They needed a color wheel just for the red section. I didn't think it was possible for there to be so many options for one color. I squinted his eyes for a moment before picking up a dark shade of red and handing it to Gerard.

"Dark candy apple, shit Frank do want her to be gothic by the time she's seven"

"Yes" I chuckled as I imagined a seven year old girl wearing black lipstick. Gerard rolled his eyes before struggling to find the spot the color originally was. After finding it, he set it back and picked up a slightly lighter (prettier) shade of red. It was more of a bright pink color if you thought about it. He smiled at the name of it before handing it to me.

"Radical red? Oh, we have to paint it this just because of the name" I giggled.


"Yeah! Unless you want to color it lust" I picked up a bright red that had the word lust written on the bottom left corner.

"Are you serious? It's called lust?" Gerard raised an eyebrow. I giggled again.

"Or we could paint our room that color" I winked at the taller man and bumped my hip against his. Gerard chuckled and shook his head, rolling his eyes in the process.

"So radical red?" He asked.

"Radical. Red."


A few hours later we were changed in some worn out clothes that we could get dirty. This mostly consisted of us both in gray sweatpants and a t-shirt. I took one of his because...... I can. It was a little large on me but that was fine.

We walked into the empty white room and began to tape a plastic sheet on the floor.

"You know what we need?" Gerard asked.

"What?" I said as I taped over the plain white trim.

"Some tunes" he giggled and left the room, leaving me to finish the taping. A few seconds later I heard music filled the air and I knew he had gotten into my stash of vinyl. The sound of The Goo Goo Dolls filled the air and he popped back into the room. I had never been a huge fan of them. Don't get me wrong, they were good. But my mother had gotten my that record a few years ago. It was the 'Dizzy up the Girl' record. Gerard liked them well enough though.

Dizzy filled the air while Gerard closed his eyes and began to swing his hips all crazy. I laughed and turned back to my taping job; a huge smile on my face. When the tune slowed down I felt Gerard's hands slide around my waist and his face fit in the crook of my neck. He began to move his hips side to side as the tune sped up once more. I moved my hips with his and soon we were laughing together. The song ended and another acoustic guitar began to strum.

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