No pain No gain

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Gerard shakily opened the door to his car and stepped out. The California sun beat down on him. 97 degrees outside. 97. It had easily been the hottest New Jersey summer he had ever seen. Either way, Gerard still wore black skinny jeans and a black t shirt.

Gerard's stomach was about to consume itself with fear. He continued to walk to the shop though, clutching the flyer tightly in his hand. The flyer that read 'half price tattoos! This Sunday!' Gerard took a deep breath as he approached the shop.

For Frank.

Gerard opened the shop door and there was a loud 'ring' that alerted the people inside that there was a customer. At the counter stood a girl with black lipstick, bright purple hair that was worn up in ponytails, and a Ramones shirt with long fishnets sleeves under. She smacked her gum and looked up from the magazine she was reading.

"Can I help you, sir?"

"Ugh- yeah... I uh..... I have appointment with uh" Gerard looked down at the flyer. He had written the name of the tattoo artist that was supposed to tattoo him. "uh..... a Mr.....snake eyes!"

She stared at him for a moment, still smacking her gum.

"I'll go get him for you" she turned from the counter and walked away. The fear growing inside Gerard. Ever sense he was a kid he had been absolutely terrified of needles. His mom always told him it was a good way to keep him from shooting heroine.

Gerard twiddled with his fingers, trying to keep his mind off of what was about to happen.

For Frank.

The girl walked back and stood with a rather tall and muscular man.

"Pay half up front" the girl said, obviously annoyed with Gerard's presence. Gerard mumbled an "of corse" and fumbled with getting his wallet out. He pulled it out, but it came out upside down, making coins fall out and land on the floor. Gerard gave a weak smile and bent down to retrieve the fallen money. When Gerard got up he bumped his head on the counter.

"Shit" he hissed. He rubbed his head and looked at the two people that stood in front of him. They were obviously not amused. Gerard paid half of the fee and followed the muscular man, who he assumed was snake eyes, to the back.

"Where do you want it?" he asked. Gerard sat on the chair beside snake eyes.

Gerard lifted up his sleeve to his arm, feeling very self conscious about how white his skin was, compared to how tan the tattoo artist was. "right here" Gerard pointed to the middle of his own arm.

"And what did you want again?"

"I just want it to say Frank"

The artist shot him a questioning look then turned around to get all the supplies ready. Gerard was freaking out, but was trying not to show it. He was already intimidated my the man and didn't want to be any further embarrassed than he already had been. The artist turned back to Gerard and wiped off Gerard's arm. Realization finally hit him, like a smack in the face (or like a bump to the head). Was he really going to sit here and let himself get tattooed? It involved a fucking needle for gods sake! Gerard took a deep breath.

For Frank.

Gerard heard the click of a button and then the loud vibrating sound of the machine hit his heart.

"First time?" Snake eyes asked.

"Yeah" Gerard gulped. He could feel a lump in his throat. Gerard watched the needle get closer to his skin before closing his eyes and turning away. The needle touched his skin and the pain shot in his arm. Gerard inhaled a sharp breath then bit his lip. He could do this.

Frank & Gerard One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now