My princesses

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"Eat my sword, Ice king!" I shouted and rolled off the couch. I landed in a crouching position in front of Bandit, who had a drawn on beard and wore a princess crown, pretending she was Ice king. I had my Finn hat on and my Finn sword. I pointed the sword at her and scowled.

"Never!" she shouted. She pulled out a piece if plain white paper and balled it up. After crumpling it in a ball, she threw it at me, pretending it was a sonic snow ball. It hit me in the forehead and I fell back dramatically. I lay on the floor in fake pain. I choked a few times and cried out in agony.

"You win this time" I breathed out before letting my head fall on the floor. I closed my eyes and stuck out my tongue.

I made a pretty good actor if I do say so myself.

I heard Bandit giggle and I shot my eyes back open. I began to groan and I let my eyes stay wide open. I forced a blank stare as I got up and shot my arms out in front of me.

"I have come back from the dead and I'm here to eat you" I groaned out. I started walking slowly toward her and she freaked out. Her eyes got wide and her body became stiff.

"No" she turned and bolted. I ran after her shouting "I want your brains"

"I'm gonna eat your arm like how I eat corn" I shouted and she started to giggle as she ran. I eventually caught up to her and picked her up in my arms. I held her tight as I nibbled at her hair. I made gnawing sounds and smacked a lot. She was laughing and squirming in my grasp. She kicked her feet, trying to get away.

I heard te front door close and I looked up to see Frank standing by the door. He took off his jacket and shoes as he smiled at me.

"I don't think Ice king here would taste good, you might get a brain freeze" he giggled, setting his shoes by the door.

"Ah!" I shouted and stopped nibbling on Bandit. "And who do we have here? The fair princess bubblegum?" I questioned. He giggled and shook his head as he started walking toward the kitchen. I set Bandit down and strode over to him.

"And where does the fair lady think she's going?" I picked him up bridal style and he wrapped his arms around my neck.

"The fair lady was going to make herself a sandwich" he mocks.

Bandit runs up, holding my Finn sword that I had left somewhere. She pointed it at Frank. "I will have you princess!" she yells.

"She doesn't want to marry you" I defended and twisted my body away from 'Ice king'.

"Don't worry m'lady, I'll save you!" I scream. I start running away from Bandit and soon she's chasing after me. Frank has his arms around my neck and is giggling like mad the entire time. I don't have time to giggle. I'm on a serious mission here. I can't run very fast because I'm holding Frank and our hallways aren't that wide. I run into Bandits room and she's still chasing me. I set Frank down on her bed and throw the blanket over his head.


"Shhhh! m'lady you must be quiet, I'll protect you babe" I reassure him. He just giggles under the blanket and I turn around, only to be met with my own sward pointed at me.

Bandit is so adorable. The markered beard is still on her face and her crown is tilted on her head. She is grinning like mad because to her, this is all very real. Okay, maybe not real, but to a child, playing like this is one of the most fun things in the world. I understood that because to me, I was having almost just as much fun as she was. I loved playing with my baby girl. She was my everything. But right now, as she pointed the toy sword at me, she was an evil made up king. The smirk on her face was priceless.

"I've got you now!" she shouts. I throw my hands up in defeat.

"You'll never find the princess!"

"She's in my bed" Bandit giggles. She says it like it's the most obvious thing in the world. Which it kind of is.

"No, she's not"

The giggling from the bed doesn't help.

I giggle too and turn around. Frank is still under the pink blanket, but I can see by the way the blanket is moving that he is trying not to laugh. I picture his smile in my head and I can't help but dive next to him in the bed. I pull the blanket from his face and I see him looked back at me. His eyes are shining and his grin is wide. I could look at him like this forever. He was so beautiful in every way. Our eyes were locked and I couldn't help but jut admire his face. I would never get tired of him. His face had so much character and beauty, it was perfect. There was nothing I wanted to change about my Frankie.

"I'll never let you take her" I whisper. It was meant to be said to Bandit, but I couldn't pull my eyes from Frank.

I feel a shift on the small bed and I break my eye contact to see Bandit crawling on the bed. She climbed on my belly and looked down at me. She pulled the sword up above her head, it pointed down to me. I could see my fate. She smirked down at me and pushed the sword down. It landed in between my arm and chest, making it look like I been stabbed.

"Got you now!" she jumped off me and I began to fake choking. She ran out of the room and I looked over at Frank, who was watching me with wonder. He was smiling and still giving me that look. That wonderful, beautiful, amazing look. He look at me like I was the only person he saw. He looked at me in that way and I knew he loved me.

"I wish to spend my last breath with my princess" I whispered. I brought my hand up to his face and cupped his cheek. He smiled at me and started leaning in to kiss me. I slowly leaned back on too. Soon, our lips slowly met and I felt a rush speed through my body. Nine years of being married to this man and he still does that to me. We didn't move our lips. They just stayed locked for a moment before I leaned back into the bed and collapsed. I closed my eyes and stuck out my tongue, pretending I was dead again.

He started to fake sob and clutch onto me. I felt my face twitch into a grin and I put my tongue back into my mouth. I opened my eyes and saw that he was still watching me.

"I love you" he whispered.

We had said these words millions of times, but it never got old. Ever.

"I love you too, Frankie" I said back.

Bandit came rushing back in. The marker was still on her face but she started to look tired.

"Does ice king want some macaroni and cheese?" I asked her.

She nodded and began to rub her eyes. I laughed and crawled out of her bed. Frank followed behind me, picking Bandit up in his arms. It was simple times like this were I was glad I got over my depression and anger that controlled me all those years ago. Now, I had a family. Now, I was happy.

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