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Getting high was what Frank did best. Nobody could deny that. Frank loved to get high, it helped with his stomach pain and it certainly was fun. He felt like he was flying, like he could do anything. More importantly, he felt connected to the Earth and Mother Nature herself. Frank was a bit of a hippie, that couldn't be denied either. All those summers of heading out into the Forrest with a bunch of friends and more weed then they knew what to do with.

This was his third summer coming out here, to the perfect spot. There was a beach area but if you walked a hundred feet past the beach there was a green Forrest. He loved the fresh air so much that when him and his friends returned to the city he felt like he was choking. The awful result of mankind pushing away the art of the lesser creatures. He despised the city and wished he could live out with the trees tall and sand between his toes forever. That's how he wanted it, but sadly he had responsibilities back home.

Currently, he sat on a broken log about fifty feet from the water. Everyone seemed to be higher than the sky itself, along with being topless. Girls danced around the warm fire singing along to some kid rock song and letting bead necklaces sway against their bare chests, flowing over the skin and nipples like a endless waterfall. Frank watched this, seaming to get lost in it. He couldn't help but think of how beautiful women really were. With curves and tiny figures, nature seamed to make the perfect creature. Men were alongside women for that matter. They were strongly built and made for the perfect companion. Yes, to Frank, nature seamed to be the most wondrous thing. All the creatures and plants were what made life worth living. If Frank woke up to one day to see the plant life gone he would be sure to join it.

The night was starry and clear. It was shone beautifully by the half moon, radiating color onto the water. The ocean and the moon seamed to work as one, the water pushing with the moon to create the gentile tide. That's all the moon asked for in exchange for the waters reflection. The reflection that was too beautiful to look away from. The water and the moon were a team no matter how far away they must be.

Crickets could be heard, as well a seen. Constantly jumping around and calling for attention. The cricket seamed to be the voice of the night while the tide was a steady drum. The guitars he heard from beside him seamed to be encouraging the night life, making the music of nature even more brilliant.

It had been a while since Frank had been this high. He knew he would forget in the morning as what this nights even had come, but that was okay. Eventually the summer would all become a huge blur just like the two before that. Frank knew he would forget the beautiful sight of the ocean in the morning, so he soaked it all up now. Eventually, when he decided the water had been seen enough, he stood up.

"Come dance with me, Frankie" one of the many topless girls asked. Frankie couldn't even remember her name or why she was here. She had long brown hair that tangled with the seashell beaded necklace around her perky breasts. If Frank were a sober man he probably would've taken advantage of her by now, but he wasn't even sure if he could talk straight he was so gay....... and high.

Most men that came along on these trips were willing to try new things with a man. Either that or they would be too drunk to care. The problem was none of them were what Frank wanted. Frank despised fucking. The idea of using another human just to get yourself off was reviling. Frank was a hardcore believer in love. If he was going to have sex with someone he needed to feel a strong connection, like he did with nature. He wasn't a virgin, but he wasn't skilled. All he wanted from another person was love. He wanted to feel a deep connection with that person and vise versa.

"Nagh" Franks blurry mind said and he turned and stumbled over the log he was sitting on. Frank was as lonely as ever tonight and he needed to go see an old friend that lived in the Forrest. Someone he truest felt a connection with.

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