The Daddy Kink

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Frank sat at his desk, typing away on the computer at his boring desk job. All day everyday he sat typing out reports and sending emails. He was stuck at this dead end job and his husband knew how much he hated it. Causing his husband to always call in or bring food, just wanting to make Franks day more pleasurable.

Frank was currently writing about the recent updates on the company to send out to some coworkers when he heard his phone ring. Frank fished it out if his pocket and answered it without looking at the caller ID.


"What are you wearing?" his husbands seductive voice was heard from the other line. His husband had been a 2nd grade teacher and Frank often wondered how he got away with these phone calls.

"Uh........ Kakis" Frank grinned ear to ear, knowing what he was doing.

"Oh c'mon now, my little slut has got to be wearing something interesting under those... or isn't he?" Gerard questioned. Frank looked around to see if anyone could hear. He had his own little cubical but it still didn't mean privacy.

"Actually, I'm not wearing anything under my pants, Daddy" Frank groaned softly into the line. Frank heard a quiet moan from the other end before Gerard spoke again.

"Do I need to spank you? Is my little slut being a bad boy and not following the rules if appropriate work attire?" Frank wanted to moan at the sound of what his husband said. It was slowly turning him on.

Frank was thinking of something clever to say when he had another incoming call.

"Hold up, babe, I have another call, I'll call you in a bit..... Daddy" Frank whispered the last part and answered the incoming call.

"Frank!" oh shit. It was his father.

"Daddy-" Frank cleared his throat, horrified of what he had just said. "dad!" no that didn't work...... "Father" no that sounded creepy. Well he already sounded odd, repeating different words for......daddy.

"Uhhh...... hey, I was just calling to see how you were, haven't talked to you in a while" his Dad said from the other line on the phone.

"I'm fine, really no need to worry daddy" OH GOD why did he keep saying it. It was in the back of his mind and he just couldn't stop! Franks cheeks flushed. This was going to be a long phone conversation.

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