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So this is kinda unlike anything I've ever written. Lots of violence and slightly disturbing. A different kind of disturbing than the others. I just wanted to warn some people because I felt like this might catch some people off by surprise. I promise the next chapter will be super cute tho :D

"Remember when you were a kid, and you would be running to your favorite toy at recess.... only to find someone else took it? Or like when they already had the crayon color you wanted to use? You know that feeling?" I walked around the boy that sat in the chair; tied up. We were currently in my empty basement. Only a cart full of fun tools and him.. in a chair. "I don't like that feeling, Jason. Frank was mine, and you took him. You took him from me. Why?"

He tried to mumble something but just ended up talking around the rag I had stuffed in his mouth. Jason had been Frank's 'boyfriend'. Stupid, huh? Now, I had been a good boy. I had waited. I knew they were gonna break up. I was going to be there for Frank once that happened too. Unlike Jason, I actually cared for Frank. But instead of them breaking up, Jason proposed. Proposed! That's when I knew what I had to do. Eventually, if they got married, it would end in divorce. I just knew it. So, I was saving my Frankie the trouble of heartbreak and just getting it over with now.

"Your just trying to get in his pants, huh? You like that big thick cock of his! Don't you, motherfucker!" I started to get angry, but couldn't help but smile a bit as he squirmed in his chair and shook his head vigorously. I knew he was lying. He just want Frank for himself. A perfect human. No. That perfect human was mine. Jason didn't deserve Frank. No. I earned Frank. I had been through enough shit. I snatched the red rag out of his mouth and threw it off to the side somewhere.

"I swear! You can have him! I promise! Gerard, I wasn't trying to do anything. I love Frank. I would never hurt him" he sobbed out. I saw more tears rush down his cheeks and I smiled.

"Shut up" I barked. He did so, letting small whimpers escape from his lips.

"I know what you see in Frank, I mean, he's perfect. But you. What does he see in you?" I asked. I tiled my head to the side, studying him. Jason looked okay, but not good enough to love. Only a mother could love his average looking face. It certainly wasn't his personality. Maybe it wasn't his face or personality.... I trailed my eyes down to his jeans. I saw a small lump in his tight pants. He certainly wasn't hard, but I could see he was big.

"It's your cock, isn't it?" I asked. I saw him try to sob silently again but I just ignored it as I reached over and unbuttoned his pants. I pulled them down to his ankles where they stopped on top of the rope that held his legs together. I looked to see he really was a pretty good size. Then I got angry.

"Does he bottom? I know how he loves to bottom. Tell me Jason, does he bottom often for you?"

He nodded quickly.

"Do you bottom for him a lot?"

He shook his head no.

"Why is that?"

"He- he likes to bottom"


"I like to top"

"Good boy" I turned around and grabbed a small knife from the stash of tools. When I got back I cut his shirt off his body. He had a tattoo on his chest, just above his left nipple. It said Frank. I knew it was there. Frank had one that said Jason.

"Now, Jason. Tell me something else. Does he ride you, like he rides me?" I pictured Frank on myself. He had done it eighteen times to be exact. Frank and I had had an on and off relationship for the longest time... before Jason. I was hurt that Frank had found someone else. I certainly wouldn't. Frank. That all I liked. That's all I craved.

I pictured Frank ridding Jason. I didn't like that. I didn't like that at all. I felt my face get red with anger and my fists clench around the knife.

"Yes" be barely whispered before I lunged at him. In one quick slice, his dick was removed. He screamed out in pain. I picked up the bloody organ and shoved it in his own mouth. More tears streamed from his face and I laughed at him. So pathetic. So weak. Fucker got what he deserved. I looked down at my hand to see it was covered in his blood.

"You know, I really hate that I have to do this" I lied. I loved doing this. I had wanted to do this since Frank introduced me to him.

I turned around and pulled out a blender. I plugged it into the wall before returning to Jason.

"Are you hungry" I wondered.

I sliced off each one of his toes before sitting back and tossing them in the blender. I carefully wrapped his foot up in a bandage, along with what was left of his crotch. The bleeding had now been clogged and taken care of. I just didn't want him to die so soon. The fun part had only just begun. I reached over and pulled the dick out of his mouth and tossed it in the blender too. I turned it on I heard it rattle more than it should do to the bones that were in there. My he entire blender now red. I turned it off and picked it up, digging through and pulling out what I couldn't of the bones.

"You know, I'm being rude. I never offered you a drink" I walked over to him and held his mouth open as I poured the contents in. he gagged and tried to spit out what he could but I knew some was getting in his throat. There was just too much. Most had pooled around his face and covered his shoulders, hair, chest, and stomach.

"If only he could see you now" I pouted. He screwed and spit up what he could. I watched as he ended up throwing up on his lap. It was a terrible smell but I didn't care. I was enjoying this far too much.

"Just kill me" he sobbed.

"Why would I do that? We haven't had desert yet" his eyes got wide and I giggled. "Just kidding"

I took a sward(don't make fun) from the stash and turned back. His eyes were droopy and his head hung. He was about to pass out. Oh well, I knew it was coming eventually. I picked up the sward before smashing it down, stabbing it through his leg and into the chair beneath it. He screamed out in pain. I found the small knife on the ground again and pressed the tip to his chest, just A centimeter away from the Frank tattoo. I cut it out slowly. I didn't get too far in before he passed out. Once I was done, I pressed the piece of tattooed flesh to his forehead and left it there. I began to get bored. It was no fun now that he passed out.

I heard a knock at the door and spun around. It was coming from the front door. I looked down at myself, I was covered in blood. I threw off my clothes before dashing upstairs and yelling " just a sec" to the front door. I ran to the kitchen and wetted a rag. I quickly rubbed myself in places where blood was present before going to the front door. I opened it and saw him. My frank.

"Uh, gee, your naked" he giggled.

"Hold on" I quickly picked up a nearby blanket and wrapped it around myself.

"Can I come in?"


"Uh... okay?"

"Sorry.... early Christmas wrapping?"

"Oh I get it" he sighed. "I just wanted to see if you wanted to hang out. I can't seam to get a hold of Jason so...."

"Frank. I am going to look you straight in the eye right now and tell you this is the only time I can't. Only. Got it?"

"Uh, k? I guess I'll just get you get back to your... wrapping"

"Okay. Love you, bye"

"What?" He said. I didn't give him a chance to finish cause I slammed the door in his face and ran downstairs. I saw Jason and frowned. You know what, Frank was more important. I quickly grabbed a gun and shot him in the temple before running upstairs and grabbing the same blanket. I threw opened the door to catch Frank just in time as he was pulling out of my driveway.


He saw me and laughed as he rolled down his window.


"Let's go out to eat. Let me get dressed real quick?"

"Okay" he smiled.

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