The water is wide but space is cooler(pårt twó)

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You know that feeling when your foot falls asleep and you keep stepping on it? That's what my body feels like right now. Pins and needles were surging though my body, but I couldn't do anything about it. My body was vibrating and my toes curling, making me want to scream.

My vision was blurry, making the darkness and white dots around me turn into this beautiful disco. My eyes felt heavy, yet my body was lighter than air. I couldn't really focus on anything, it was like my body was on a roller coarser though I was pretty sure I wasn't movie. Or was I?

Just as I was sure I was gonna hurl, it stopped. The movement and the darkness that had been toying with my insides and making me want to scream had vanished. My body felt like it was no longer floating, instead replaced with a cold solid floor beneath me. I could feel the cold stillness through my suit, no longer water pushing on my body. My eyes were clenched shut, making me focus on my breathing. I tried to catch my breath but I ended up coughing as I tried to push my body up. I still hadn't opened my eyes when I fully realized I wasn't under the ocean anymore. The gravitational pull was lighter and the water that was around me wasn't pushing on my suit.

I opened my eyes slowly, unsure of what to do. I tried to breath slowly, knowing I wouldn't have much left. Looking down, I saw something I never expected to see. Tiling. It was black and white checkered, something you would see in a 50's cafe. Had the black hole pushed me back in time? Was I on the other side of the world, or only miles from where I had been?

Beginning to stand up, I became aware of how much lighter my suit felt than it had even before I got into the water. When I looked up, I expected to see a diner. But instead, I was met with this huge and (mostly)empty room. There were large pillars that held up the huge ceiling. There was an extravagantly large door on the other side if the room, carved beautifully. The entire place was beautiful. There were carvings of strange creatures that I had never seen before, Among the beautiful carved creatures and shapes in the walls, were a few that resembles humans. Where the hell was I?

"Strange traveler" I heard a voice say. I jumped startled at the sudden noise, and turned to see the speaker. There were two large chairs that sat on a raised flooring, three steps had to be taken to get to the chairs. The chairs were a beautiful cement color as the rest of the building with elegant creatures carved there as well. Sitting in one of the chairs was a huge pink monster, a bright smile on its face as it sat cross legged on the chair. It intrueged me, but I found my attention being drawn to the other person beside the pink creature. On the chair beside him, was a man that resembled human, unlike the other. He had bright orange hair that swooped in a short wave apon his head. He was wearing a plain blue suit, something I guess you would also see in the fifties. What got me was his perfectly rounded face that sculpted his perfect features. He looked at me, almost seemingly unimpressed. I had just popped out of nowhere, right? Why wasn't this guy freaked out about me appearing and this.... thing beside him?

"What brings you here?" He asked. His soft voice didn't seam to match how intimidating he was. He was like David Bowie, but somehow gayer. There was sparkles on his skin, making me question why I was so afraid of him. I had made my decision, he looked like a cross between David Bowie and something you would see on Monster high or twilight. Still, I found my stomach twisting in fear from the unknown. I had no idea what state I was in or what customs this country had... where ever this country was. Was I about to get sacrificed? Oh god.

"I... uh... you wouldn't believe me if I told you." I found myself saying. My voice still echoed in the helmet I was wearing, so I reached up to twist it off.

"Hold on" the man told me. He continued to look down on me, sitting in his stupid chair if his. "I wouldn't do that just yet." He held his hand up as to stop my actions.

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