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Damian's Room

Damian shuts the door, his eyes turns red again and struggles to gain control. He passes out and enters his dream state.

In Damian's Mind

Damian levitates in front of four red eyes.

Damian: What the heck are you?

Akuma: I am Akuma and you are mine to control.

Damian: You almost made me kill the other Titans.

Akuma: Have you forgotten who you are? You are Damian Al Ghul, grandson of the deceased Ra's Al Ghul, son of Talia Al Ghul.

Damian: And The Son of Batman, I am his true blood and heir.

Akuma: Ah, yes, you are brilliant boy. However, ever since you met your father Batman, you have been drifting away from the cold blooded killer your grandfather knew you always will be. You've denied your own destiny.

Damian: My destiny is what I choose do with it! Who are you to judge me?!

Akuma: That is why I am here......To redirect your destiny and get you back on right path. Cooperate and you might just survive.

Damian: The path of vengeance, I prefer justice over vengeance.

Akuma: Then if you won't........I will!

Back To Damian's Room

Damian wakes up and heard a knock at his door, He answers and it was Raven.

Damian wakes up and heard a knock at his door, He answers and it was Raven

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Damian: Yeah?

Raven: Everything okay?

Damian: Yeah, Thanks for caring.....

Damian was distracted by Raven's new hair style and her new outfit. Raven starts to feel nervous.

Damian: (blush) Raven, You look very appropriate and........ beautiful.

Raven: Thanks (walks away blushing).

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