Damian Vs Akuma

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Metropolis, Chinatown

Damian meditates and telepathically talks to Raven.

Raven: Damian, what's wrong with you? Everytime I get close to you I sense a disturbance.

Robin: Its nothing, I'm fine.

Raven: For how long, you're not well, just tell us where you.....

Robin: I'm telling you, I'm fine, there's nothing wrong with me. Please, let me meditate.

Raven: Damian

Robin: And don't try to find me, I'll just keep running.

In Damian's Head

Damian looks around and saw Akuma in a demon form, Damian takes his blade out.

Akuma: The Titans are becoming a distraction to you Damian, we must destroy them.

Damian: Destroy them and I'll destroy you.

Akuma: Have you forgotten, If I die..... you die.

Damian: It will be a good death, I can finally get rid of you. You have been nothing but trouble lately. I maybe Ra's Al Ghul's grandson and Talia's son. But I'm also......The Son of Batman and I prefer justice over vengeance.

Akuma: Do you not understand, The Titans will pay for Trigon's defeat and The Justice League.

Akuma summons a katana blade of his own.

Damian: You want to know how I fight when I'm in control, Bring It!

Akuma: As you wish!

Damian and Akuma katana blades clashed and they start to fight. Damian throws 11 red batarangs, Akuma dodges them. Akuma tries to slash 10 times with his blade and Damian blocks it, Akuma kicks Damian in the chest. Damian punches Akuma twice in the face, Akuma tries grab Damian, But Damian did a triple-backflip, ninja roll and avoids the blade three times and he kicks the blade out of Akuma's hand and kicks his head. Damian sprints downs a fiery path and Akuma chases him. Their blades clashed each other twenty-four times, Damian flips over Akuma, But Akuma throws Damian and Damian lands on his feet. Damian leaves a scratch on Akuma shoulded.

Akuma: Don't you understand? You have your grandfather's determination! You're determined to defeat me!

Damian: Actually, this is my father's determination! I never quit and besides I beat father in a fight before, even though he saved me from harm.

Akuma: Batman's pathetic and weak!

Damian: Then I guest I have know choice, but to wake up.

Damian jumps into a black hole

Damian: Cooperate and you might just survive.


Damian: Get that into your bloody mind.

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