Damian Falls

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Gotham Sewers

Damian walks and thinks about what Akuma's doing to him, He was taught to destroy his enemy by Ra's Al Ghul, yet he was taught to fight for justice by Batman. Suddenly Damian was choking on fear gas and saw another Damian walking towards him.

Akuma: That's it breathe deeply (evil laughter)

Damian passes out

Damian's Mind

Damian gets up and looks around, this time everything was pitch black. He saw his reflection Anti-Damian, who was wearing the same suit, but with red, black, and gray color pallet.

Damian: You have got to be kidding me, Akuma?

Akuma points behind Damian and he saw Terra being choked.


Damian: Terra?

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Damian: Terra?

Terra: (choked) Damian?

Damian: What are you doing to her?

Akuma: It's very simple, give me complete control over body and she lives.

Damian tries to slice Akuma's head off, but misses. Akuma puts a dagger in Terra's stomach and her blood starts leaking out.

Damian: How is Terra even mixed up into this?

Akuma causes Damian to have a vision.

Damian's Vision

Terra tries so hard to attack Akuma, not one finger was laid on him, not a rock or a boulder, not even one little pebble. Akuma puts a sword in Terra's back, but not in deep. She coughs up blood.

Akuma: Now, where is the one call, Damian Wayne?

Terra: (coughs blood) That's none of your concern.

Akuma: You really want to test me?

Akuma pushes the sword deep in her body and she screams in pain.

Akuma: Where is he?!

Terra: No, I'll never tell you......go back to the Nether Realm!

Akuma: Let's try that again

Akuma stomps on Terra's face 14 times rapidly, until she finally gives in and tells him, while tears stream down her face. Damian watches the whole thing and he had enough.

Damian: Enough!

Akuma stops torturing Terra and Damian shakes his hand, Akuma begins the process to take over Damian's body. Damian got down on his knees, while trying to at least try to gain control of his mind, but he failed. Damian catches Terra when Akuma drops her.

Terra: (weakly) Thank.....you

Akuma: My demon mind....in your body. PERMANENTLY!

Back In The Gotham's Sewer

Damian wakes up with Akuma in his body. Akuma clears his throat to talk exactly like Damian.

Akuma (Damian's voice): I'm Damian Wayne, Grandson Of The Demon, Ra's Al Ghul.

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