Robin Vs The Titans

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There was an army of demons attacking the city and possessing people, turning them into one of them. The Titans called Kid Flash, Aqualad (Kaldur), Static, Red Robin, and Wonder Girl to assits them.

Starfire: Titans Go!

Starfire, Static, Wonder Girl and Donna Troy fights the flying demons, while the others decapitates the other demons, Cyborg, Raven, and Red Robin helps the citizen that hasn't turned, Nightwing, Aqualad, and Kid Flash takes on the demons in heavy armor, Blue Beetle and Beast Boy just takes on the demons on the ground and Robin kills most of them.

Akuma: (in Damian's head) These demons are not of my master Trigon.

Damian: No kidding

Akuma: They're contaminated!

Akuma starts to take over Damian's mind and body. Damian steals another katana and quickly kills 60 demons, Damian glows in red auroa amd roars with rage. The Titans looks at Damian grabs a demons face and sticks a knife in the center, Damian super kicks a glass window. Blue Beetle flies to him and place hand on his shoulder.

Blue Beetle: Dude, what is wrong with you?!

Damian supplex Blue Beetle and throws into a glass window, Red Robin throws smoke pallets blinding Damian sight. Wonder Girl uses her lasso of truth and ties up Damian.

Wonder Girl: Damian, stop fighting, we just want to help you, You can't break free from the lasso. What's wrong with you Damian!

Damian: (in his head) The lasso commands I answer.

Akuma: We'll see about that

Damian sprints up a building throws a pallet in Wonder Girl's eyes. Wonder Girl keeps crashing into it the building and by the time Robin reached the top of the skyscraper, Wonder Girl loses her grip and faints. Red Robin catches her and lands.

Red Robin: Goodness gracious kid

The Titans surrounds Damian

Nightwing: Damian.......Stand Down!

Beast Boy transform into a cheetah, He and Kid Flash runs around Damian. Starfire, Blue Beetle and Cyborg starts blasting at him. Damian dodges every ray blast, he puts on a mask and knock out gas pallets. Kid Flash and Beast Boy got knocked, Donna Troy brings out her shield and Damian takes out his katana blade. They clashed into each other.

Donna Troy: We're just trying to (grunts) help you.

Damian: You're still a step slow

Starfire tries grab Damian, but she crashed into Donna.

Damian:( Akuma voice) I'm done here

He disappears into black smoke

Aqualad: What's with your adoptive brother Nightwing?

Nightwing: Don't know, we're going to find out. Titans spread out and search for him, even in outskirts of the city.

The Teen Titans went in groups and goes in opposite directions. Nightwing's communicator rings and he answers.

Nighwing: Hello?

Batman: What's going on? I got call from Red Robin saying that Robin's gone rogue.

Nightwing: I don't what's wrong with him Bruce, he starts fighting me and the Titans and then he disappear into red smoke. The Titans are spreading out trying to find him.

Batman: If your team can't find him, rendezvous at Watchtower and we'll track him there.

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