The Vengeance Returns

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Titans Tower, Monitor Womb

Akuma (now disguise as Damian Wayne) walks into the Monitor Womb and tracks criminal activity mostly in Gotham. Nightwing, Starfire, and Donna Troy approaches him.

Donna Troy: Where were you?

Anti-Damian: Just needed some alone time

Nightwing: Are you feeling okay?

Anti-Damian: Yeah, so what?

Donna Troy: What do you mean, "so what"?

Anti-Damian: So what?

Starfire: Not only that, we heard that there was murder of two criminals in Gotham, Nightwing investigated and he found red batarangs lodged in both of their throats.

Anti-Damian: Well, they did put plenty of bullet holes in a man for his money. Like you said Grayson, I was trained to kill. So I don't care.

Anti-Damian walks past them and walks for Damian's room.

Anti-Damian: So far, so good. Even though that was a pathetic performance.

Anti-Damian bumps into Raven and helps her up.

Anti-Damian: (thinks) There she is

Raven: Sorry

Anti-Damian: It's fine, I just had an unpleasant week......last week. So I just thought a nap will do me well.

Raven sense a disturbance coming from Anti-Damian and it was not very normal.

Raven: Okay, well, sorry about bumping into you.

Anti-Damian: It's fine, it's okay. Nice talking to you.

Raven: You too

They both past each other and went into opposite direction. Anti-Damian walks straight into Damian's room.


Nightwing and Starfire woke up to go check up on Damian. Realizing that he was not well, they decided to do a diplomatic approach. Since Nightwing and Starfire are the leaders of the Titans, they have access to the Titan's room. They opened the door and notice Damian was gone.

Gotham City

Anti-Damian stalks a group of thugs trying to rob and rape a teenage girl. There were 6 thugs, 5 armed with a knife and 1 armed with machete. Anti-Damian puts on his mask, carefully grabs one of the thugs and silently killed him.

Thug 2#: What was that?

Thug 3#: What's going on, guys?

Anti-Damian: (maniacal laughter while hiding)

Anti Damian silently and quickly killed three more with blood red batarangs. Two more thugs remains alive, Thug 2# tried to run, but he got killed with a blade through the chest. The last thug starts rapid firing at all places, until Anti-Damian jumped on him and stomped on his. He kept stomping until the last thug was dead.

Anti-Damian: Go home, young lady. You're in violation of curfew.

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