Titans/Batman vs Akuma

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Jump City

Trigon walks out of the ocean, into the city and starts to destroy things. Akuma watches his master obliterate the city and leaves a trail of destruction. The Titans called The Justice League for back up, Akuma faces the Titans.

Nightwing: Akuma! Release Damian's body!

Akuma draws his sword and was ready for a fight.

Nightwing: Don't kill him, remember his mind is in Damian's body. If we kill him, Damian will be gone permanently. Titans Go!

The Titans attacks Akuma, while the Justice League fights Trigon. Terra and Beast Boy starts to attack first, Beast Boy transform into an andaconda and wrapped himself around Akuma, while Terra tries to traps his lower body parts and arms in a rocky shard. Before his arms were trapped, Akuma throws a smoke pallet at Beast Boy and it blinds him. Akuma strikes Beast Boy in the chest.

Terra: Beast Boy!

Akuma broke free and tries to kill Terra with his katana, Terra dodges every attack and laid four punches on Akuma. Blue Beetle shoots energy beams at Akuma with plasma cannon.

Blue Beetle: Scarab, easy, don't be vicious. I don't wanna kill him.

(Scarab): Understood, recommending sonic cannon.

Blue Beetle: Excellent choice

Blue Beetle's right hand morphs into a sonic cannon and he starts blasting sonic beams. Akuma's sword got knocked out of his hand by the sonic blast, Blue Beetle's left hand morphs into a shield. Blue Beetle blocks all of Akuma's attacks with his shield hand, Akuma super kicks Blue Beetle in the cheek. Terra levitates medium size rubbles of broken buildings and launches them at him, Akuma starts overpowering by brutally beating her, then she starts to spit out blood. Terra uppercuts Akuma's chin and then his bottom lip starts to bleed. Starfire starts throwing star bolts, Akuma dodges and takes out his knife. Terra tries to hit Akuma with a boulder, but Akuma was fast enough to put his knife in Terra's left thigh, right knee, left arm and her stomach. She screams in pain after every stab, seeing Terra weaken and bleeding, he rapidly punches her in the face nineteen times, twenty times in the stomach and kicks her twenty-five times, for the final blow, he stomps on her face.

Raven: Leave her alone!

Raven levitates Akuma in the air and slams him down six times. Akuma throws an explosives batarangs to knock Raven off guard and it worked. Akuma blinds Raven with her cape and beats punches ten times and stabs her in the stomach. Starfire grabs Akuma and supplexs him, he grabs a piece of glass and scratches her face, he also left another scratch on her chest. Red Robin throws four smoke pallets, they exploded, and Donna Troy comes out the smoke. She only punch Akuma twice in the chest and blocking Akuma's knife attack with her bracelet. She tries to punch him again, but Akuma reversed it and rapidly punches her sixteen time. With a powerful drop kick, Donna passes out when she hit the ground. With a powerful force, Superboy pushes Akuma into another building. Nightwing, Red Robin, and Wonder Girl enters the building through the broken window, Akuma starts to laugh like a dangerous insane psychopath, which made Nightwing more furious. Wonder Girl attacks Akuma with a powerful punch, Akuma quickly picks up his sword and penetrates Wonder Girl through her stomach, lucky for her it didn't impale her heart. She fell to ground and Akuma leaves a knife her back.

Wonder Girl: Ti....Tim?!

Red Robin: (gasp)

Nightwing: Tim, take care of her, I'll take it from here.

Red Robin nods and carries Wonder Girl to a safer location. Nightwing takes out his escrima sticks and Akuma draws out his sword and points it at Nightwing. They begin to engage in a deadly combat, Nightwing was able get more hits after blocking Akuma's attacks, Akuma was able to trip Nightwing throws him into a wall and punch him five times. He was about to kill Nightwing, until Batman jumps from the shadows and kicks Akuma in the face. Batman gestures Nightwing to help the rest of the Justice League and Titans.

Batman: Release my son, now!

Akuma tries to kick, punch and stab Batman, but Batman was a better fighter and he delivers more punches than Akuma. Batman throws two explosive batarangs, Akuma blocks with his blade, but the batarangs explodes near Akuma. Batman delivers a powerful punch and it was strong enough to make Akuma pass out.

Batman: Damian!

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