Trigon Rise

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Somewhere Unknown

Anti-Damian walks up a mountain and takes off his jacket and shirt, showing his gray pale skin and his glowing red eyes. He lift his hands and spoke in demon language.

Anti-Damian: The dead man tells no tale, my leader Trigon I must hail. Rise, rise and burn earth's land, evil power is your hand. All humanity in your path must burn, for my master Trigon will return. The humans race will be dead and gone, rise and return my master.......Trigon.

A huge portal of blood opens and Raven's father Trigon comes out and his smiles was indeed evil.

Trigon: Akuma, my loyal apprentice, kneel before me.

Anti-Damian follows Trigon's order and got down on his right knee.

Anti-Damian: Welcome back, Master Trigon

Trigon: At long last, I have rise again to have revenge on this world. Akuma, keep my daughter and her Titan friends occupied.

Anti-Damian: Yes, master

Trigon: What about the one called Damian Wayne?

Anti-Damian: He's no longer a threat to the mission at hand. He no longer exist.

Trigon: Good, you are one of my best servants.

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