The Mind is Fractured

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In Damian's Mind

Damian wakes up and finds floating on a huge stalactite. He was confused and saw Akuma next to him in human form. Damian was so vicious, he grabs Akuma by the neck and was about to punch him.

Damian: What's with you?

Akuma:  It's Vengeance

Damian: But why the Titans, why Raven, what are you trying to avenged?

Akuma: For banishing my lord Trigon into Raven's mind gem.

Damian: But why me.......why possess me?

Akuma: You are grandson of the demon Ra's Al Ghul, you and Raven are so much alike. I'm using you to get to her.

Damian: You will not hurt Raven or The Titans and if you do, I will cut both your arms off and then both of your legs and then I will cut your face and then rip your brain right out of your head. (Eyes turns red) You will be the only armless, legless, faceless, brainless demon out my head and rolling down the a turd in the wind. Do you feel me?

Akuma: Of course, But get this, if I die, you die. Because I'm connected to your mind and I'll be in your dream and turning into a nightmare, We know you will never die. Admit it, You're exactly like Ra's Al Ghul.

Damian falls off and into a dark hole.


Damian wakes up and founds himself on the floor.

Damian: You won't hurt the Titans or anyone, You're no match for me.

Akuma: Cooperate and you might just survive.

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