The Final Fight

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Damian walks towards Akuma with determination and he couldn't wait to end him. Without Damian's body and not being in Damian's mind anymore, Akuma was back in his original form.

Akuma: So, you finally escaped my mind and you choose to continue to bring justice.

Damian: Yes

Akuma: Tell me this, why?

Damian: I choose my fate, I am heir of The Dark Knight, This is who I am.

Akuma: I see

Akuma stands up and pulls out his katana, Damian did the same thing. After ten seconds, they run towards one another, their swords clashed and their fight began. Damian has been getting more and blocks most of Akuma's attacks, while fighting, Damian remember what John Constantine said, he began to hear John's voice.

John Constantine: The Akuma that's molding around in your head is not real. He's nothing, but a weak demon spawn, The real Akuma is what you need to kill.

Damian: You're not the real Akuma

Akuma: I'm real enough to kill you

Akuma charges at Damian, but Damian flips over Akuma and cut his head off. Damian looked closer and Akuma's body begin to turned into a shadow and instead of turning into smoke. The shadow starts to flee away from Damian, Damian follows it and he was fast enough to catch up to it. The shadow began to slow down at a deep pit, it was pit with lava around it and in the middle was Akuma refreshing his power. Damian jumps in the pit and lands on a stone path and found the real Akuma.

Akuma: So, you finally figured it out, you uncovered my secret.

Damian: Cut the suspense, I'm hear to end you and this time, I'm going to make your death permanent.

Akuma: So, that is how it's going to be.

Damian: That is how it must be (Draw sword).

Akuma: Fine, have it your way!

Akuma starts to consume all of the darkness and shadows and he began to grow bigger, more he consumes, the bigger he got. When he finally stopped growing, he starts to shoot fire out of his mouth.

Akuma: Time to die!

Damian: That's usually my line

Akuma tries smash Damian with his giant fist, Damian was fast enough to avoid being crushed, then Akuma starts picking boulders, setting them on fire and tries crushing Damian with them. Akuma starts to pick up a bigger boulder and sets it on fire, Damian throws a batarang at the boulder and it blows up. Akuma starts exhale fire at Damian and he almost got burned. Akuma tries to smash Damian again with his right fist, Damian runs up his arm, jumps on his head and sticks his sword in his forehead. Akuma starts to screech in pain and was trying to get Damian off his forehead, black ooze starts waterfalling out of Akuma's mouth and Damian uses his sword to slash Akuma's throat and chest, black ooze squirting out of Akuma's throat and chest.

Akuma: (gurgling) No, I will not fail Trigon.

Akuma starts punching the walls and he starts splashing the lava everywhere, rocks and boulders starts falling into the the pit. Damian looks around and saw lava rising rapidly, he sprints away from Akuma and runs up the wall, Akuma notice Damian running away and he doesn't want Damian to get away, so chase he after and start climbing on wall.


Damian was fast enough to stay ahead and Akuma tries to catch, but he could try to slow him down.

Outside of The Pit

The Justice League and The Titans successfully defeated and banished Trigon back to the Nether Realm, when they got to the pit, they saw Damian sprinting up the wall. Damian looks into Raven's eye and stopped running, Akuma was ready to kill Damian. Damian threw an explosive batarang into Akuma's left eye and it exploded, Akuma's left eye was gone and starts screeching in pain. With a powerful slash, Damian cut off Akuma's head and uses his grapple gun to get out of the pit faster. Akuma falls into the rising lava and the became subdue. Damian finally got out of the pit before the pit was sealed. Raven runs towards Damian and hugs him, he kisses her forehead. Batman and Nightwing appeared in front of Damian.

Batman: I'm proud of you, son

Nightwing: Not bad, kid

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