Damian Returns

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Inside Akuma's Mind, Pure Darkness

Damian calmly meditates, he suddenly hears The Titans and The Bat Family calling his name. He starts to hear echoes from his friends.

Raven: Deep in your heart, you have a kind and generous soul.

Starfire: You are full of surprises, Damian.

Tim Drake: You're one tough kid

Nightwing: You're also really weird, I like that too.

Beast Boy: The Titans will be by your side, always.

Batman: You're my son

All those voices he heard came to his, he trying to remember who is. Until his eyes opened wide and he remembered.

Damian: I refuse to fail, my vengeance and anger had clouded me for too long. I'm not an assassin, I am not a murderer, I am.........The Son of Batman.

Damian puts his mask back on and suddenly a crack on the ground got bigger. He use a batarang to make crack more bigger, then a bright light begins to get brighter. With every stab, the crack got bigger and bigger and the darkness starts to fade away. Damian was finally free from Akuma's mind.

Jump City

Damian looks around the city and realize the nightmare he had was not a nightmare, it was vision.

Damian: Time for a change of pace

Damian goes to the rooftop that the Titans were on. The Titans were surprised that it was really Damian.

Damian: You guys okay?

Starfire: Damian?

Terra: You're back

Damian looks down at Raven, she was in pain and unconscious.

Damian: She okay?

Wonder Girl: (groans in pain) We don't know.

Damian walks towards Raven and kisses her nose. He runs to the building where Akuma was.

Damian: I'm Back

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