Terra Returns

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Titans Tower

Raven tries to use telepathy to talk to Damian, but she has not heard anything from him since he left last night. Suddenly, she hears a voice that she remembers.

Terra: (mind) Raven?

Raven: Terra?

Raven turns around and sees Terra. They both hugged each other, realizing it was more than 20 weeks, since she was missing.

Terra: Raven, Damian's is not in control of his body.

Raven: You know too?

Terra: Yes, whatever terrible thing that Damian has done, it wasn't him. Some demon called Akuma took control of his body.

Raven: Akuma?

Terra: (nod) You know him?

Raven: Akuma is one of my father's most loyal warriors. Ever since we banished Trigon back to Nether Realm, Akuma was determined to free Trigon. Where's Damian now?

Terra: He's gone.......he faded away in Akuma's mind, he sacrificed himself to save me.

Raven was disappointed, she and Damian had grown to be good friends. The other Titans came in Raven's room, they heard the whole thing and Beast Boy hugs Terra and apologizes to her.

Nightwing: We heard the whole thing, but I don't believe that Damian is really gone. There might be a chance that we can save him. Let's track him down.

The Titans walks out Raven's room, but Beast Boy stops and turns to Terra.

Beast Boy: Terra, Again I'm sorry

Terra: Hey, I get it, It's hard to get use to a  clone of a person that done some bad things, yet sacrificed herself for innocent people in the end of her life.

Beast Boy: You're right, I shouldn't judge a book by it's cover. Maybe we can start over as friends? (holds his hands out)

Terra: Friends (shake his hands).

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