Chapter Three

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The next morning was here and I was dead tired. The sun burst through my window. I rolled over to check the time on my phone "10:00."
Ugh! I've hardly slept at all.

Who was in my house last night? Why? What did they want? I clearly heard distinct footsteps above me.
Around seven I ran out to see Mr. Gates before he left, and asked him if he noticed anyone lurking around; he said no. Haynes was asleep so she wasn't much help.
What a lazy cop she is. After he left, I again looked upstairs and no one was up there. No one. All the windows were locked tightly.

I sat up rubbing my eyes in frustration. What was happening? I couldn't go to my family about this, they'd throw me into a mental hospital for months. No one in my family believes in ghosts which complicates my situation. I couldn't call them up and ask to come back, that a "ghost" was sharing my house with me. They'd give me the third degree!

Sighing, I ripped the covers off of me and stood. walking to my closet I opened my door and my reflection stared back at me, my full length mirror hung on the door.
I looked like a wreck! My hair was everywhere, left over makeup was all over my face.

"Pull yourself together Kendra." I breathed out as I moved my hangers around. Yesterday was my first night, maybe I was just being overdramatic? Maybe it was nothing? Then again what explains my bras being tossed around on the floor?

I grabbed a few clothes and headed to the shower. I chewed on the inside of my lip as I stood, letting the water pour down me.
What am I going to do? I carefully thought about my options.

Maybe I could have Samantha stay a few days with me? Just tell her it's for fun? If she hears stuff too, I will know I'm not crazy! My heart warmed at the thought.

After a few minutes, I opened back the shower curtain and wrapped my towel around my body. I bent over and wrapped my hair into a towel as well.

That's what I'll do. I'll have Sam here. I grabbed my phone off of the sink and dialed her number, it rang, and rang.

"Sam here, leave your message!"
I hung up and put it back down. That girl hardly ever answers now that she's dating Tony Ress. I've never liked that guy, he was considered the most popular guy in school and always bullied anyone that he considered to be 'below' him. He more or less thought of himself as a god or something.

Something caught my attention in the corner of my eye. I turned my eyes to the door and a man walked by and fast, wearing 1800's clothing.
My eyes grew big, I was starting to choke on my breath and fell backwards against the wall. I opened my mouth to say something, but I couldn't get it out! I trembled.
My teeth started chattering and my chest tensed.
"Who's there?" I slowly and carefully pushed myself away from the wall and towards my room. The man was heading towards my bed so, there was no way he could escape or get around me! The only way out for him would be the window, and that's locked.
My hands shook as I clicked on my phones screen and started to film, moving slower to my room.
"I just called the cops, they'll be here in a few minutes." I found myself yelling. Once I turned around the door, expecting to see a man, an intruder, I saw nothing. Absolutely nothing.


A few hours later I met up with Samantha and Tony at our local restaurant for lunch. She had ordered a salad, and he ordered four cheeseburgers. That's right, four! You'd think the way he ate he would be as big as a house. Nope. He was skinny, muscular. Reddish blonde hair, with brown eyes and a few freckles under his eyes. I used to have a crush on him back in eighth grade. I was stupid back then.

All I ordered was a cola, I wasn't very hungry after this morning. Could you blame me? I just found out that ghosts were real and one was living with me and it wasn't my grandfather!

"Kendra, are you sure you're not hungry? They have really good salads here." Sam smiled as she chewed.

"Yes. I'm saving my appetite for later, which reminds me. Why don't you stay with me for a few days?"

Her eyebrows rose at the mention of it.
"Yes. I've thought about it. I think it'll be fun." I lifted my straw to my mouth and started to suck but then realized that I already drained it.

"Count me in! Can I come over later?"
I nodded my head, grinning. I'll feel safer with her there. My focused turned to Tony as he inhaled another sandwich in less than two bites.
I mentally rolled my eyes.
"Maybe we can have another movie night and invite Daniel?"
He still wasn't talking to me, but it was worth a shot?

"He won't want to, he's avoiding you at all costs. Told me this morning that he wishes you would stop blowing his phone up." She  placed her fork on her plate and pushed it to her side
I knitted my eyebrows at that. I understand he was scared but seriously? He's not being a very good friend.

"Can you believe it? He claims he heard a ghost talking to him." Laughter was evident in her eyes.
"Yeah that's silly." I bit my lower lip and looked away.
"Daniel?" Tony asked. "Oh I remember that dork. I used to beat on him whenever I could at school."
I rolled my eyes while Samantha giggled.
"That's something to be proud of." I muttered under my breath.
Tony laughed as he stood. "I'm going to go order some more burgers. Those melts are incredible!"
What a pig! Where is he putting all of those?! How could Samantha want someone like that? Especially with the way he eats, he's so sloppy. It's embarrassing sitting next to him or being anywhere near him when he's eating. Where he sat lettuce was all over the table.
Sam flipped her hair and giggled. "Isn't he the cutest?"
I just smiled.

A few hours flew by, and Samantha was already unpacking her clothes in my closet. Listening to her music, blaring from her phone on my nightstand. I sat on my bed studying my ring that I had found last night. Sam noticed it at lunch, I had told her the truth that I had found it. That wasn't something I needed to lie about. She had mentioned taking it down to the jewelry shop downtown later to sell it..
I don't know. I noticed that I was getting attached to it, I didn't want to sell it or anything. I liked it on my finger, it looked nice. Felt nice. Maybe I'll go someday and see how old the ring was but that's it. The ring is mine, I found it!

My head started to ache, and I rubbed my temples and instantly thought of going upstairs..
Again? What's so special up there that's making me want to go? Samantha was to busy dancing and hanging up her clothes to notice.
Annoyed, I left my room and headed up the stairs, once again everything within me longed to see that one room, at the end of the hall with the desk. But why?Once I stepped foot in it, I noticed that my headache was gone? I looked around and everything looked the same, a desk and a chair pulled up to it. I made my way over to it as curiosity filled me.

I felt the desk, getting dust on my fingers. My hand led to the drawer and as soon as I knew it, I was opening it to find an old picture in a frame, an old journal, and shock filled me as I looked at an old ring box.

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