Chapter Six

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My body tensed as I looked at David with a knife.. How is he standing, more or less holding a knife? How is he not dead? He towered over me, staring deep into my eyes. His light blue eyes searching mine. I swallowed hard, trembling. Trying to take this all in. When I saw him before, he was in 1800's clothes now he had on a black zip up hoodie, with jeans. I watched as his chest moved with each breath he took.

He dropped the knife and his eyes softened. "Clara, it's you." A smile tugging at his lips. "I've been waiting for this moment."

Hold up, this man thinks I'm his old wife? The one who died 178 years ago? And he was serious...
Did he not forget the fact that he had just killed a man? Who is now laying in his own blood on the floor?

"I'm sorry sir, but I am not Clara." I breathed out as I moved back a bit. I watched as his eyes fell to the floor and he sighed.
"I had a feeling you wouldn't remember me. I was hoping somehow you would have."

Well I'm sorry to burst this mans bubble but I am not this Clara.
"I'm sorry, I may look like Clara but I can assure you that I am not her."
He studied me for a long moment making me feel uncomfortable.
"You have the same soul as Clara."

Rolling my eyes I slapped myself in the face. He is serious.

"How are you not a.." I paused nervously trying to form my next words. "A ghost?"
He raised an eyebrow at me like he didn't expect me to ask such a question, to pry.

"To be honest with you Clara, I don't know. Ever since I died, I can't find peace. I have done so many wrong things, terrible thin-"
"What does that have to do with you being a human now and not a ghost?" I interrupted.

Was I insane? Was I really having a conversation with a ghost? who thought I was his dead wife?

"After you died, Your mother told me she had put a curse on my soul.. I thought she was crazy but once every year for two weeks I become a human. It's been this way for 178 years, I can't get out of this cycle. I have tried and tried."

Okay, what now? He wasn't making any sense. That's impossible!
"How would becoming human be a curse?" I put my hands on my hips.

"Because I don't want to return as a ghost, and every time I know I'm going to. Clara you have to believe me!" He stared down at me, sorrow filling his eyes.
"I'm Kendra. That's my name, not Clara." I huffed, still shaken up. I grabbed my phone to dial 911 when I looked back up he was gone.


For the next few days I stayed with my parents, the police had come and gathered some evidence and was at the house nonstop. When they asked me what happened, I told them that Tony was trying to rape me and a man from the party snuck up and killed him. It wasn't far from the truth?

I missed my house, I missed my bedroom, my freedom. I didn't miss my crazy roommate ghost!

When I got back to the house everything seemed different, I couldn't put my finger on it.

Moving into the kitchen, the blood laid on the floor stained.
I grabbed my vinegar, baking soda, and hydrogen peroxide and mixed it all in a bowl. I wasn't going to keep it there, and remind myself every day of what almost happened.

I bent my knees as I eased myself slowly to the ground with the bowl and rag in hand and not long after started to scrub.

My eye twitched as I thought of Samantha, and how she was taking Tony's death. She hasn't contacted me since the party, I didn't expect her to either. Clearly she was angry with me because I stood up to her. She would be a good friend if she wasn't a crybaby, and spoiled rotten. Then again, a GOOD friend wouldn't use you so they could have a party at your house!

I frowned. I need better friends.
Suddenly my phone lit up ringing, it was a number I didn't recognize. "Hello?"

"Kendra, This is Jesse. The manager of Creekside Grill. I was wondering if you could come in tomorrow for an interview at 1:00."
My eyes grew wide and I tried to suppress a smile. "Yes sir, I will be there."
"Good, hope you see you soon"

I placed my phone on the counter and stood up, there's some baggage off of my shoulders. Now hopefully I will be able to get the job, because I really needed it.


Did something just fall over? I rushed into the living room and everything was fine. Nobody was there. I haven't seen or heard from David in a couple of days and I wanted it to stay that way. That man was beyond crazy!


My shoes hurt my feet as I twirled, my hand in David's. I spun a few times before he grabbed my waist and my hand as we danced under the moonlight. He wore an black and white tuxedo, with a black tie.

I smiled up at him as we danced, he held me close, his gentle fingers rubbing circles on my waist, soaking up each other's emotions. All I wanted was for this to last forever, for him to hold me close for all eternity.

He was my soulmate as I was his.

My hair was in a messy bun, with curls coming out down my neck. My chest ached from the tight corset, making me feel light headed and very uncomfortable. My dress was green, the sleeves were tight as well.

Why did it have to be a pain to be considered beautiful? Why must we put ourselves through much discomfort?

"You look beautiful my love." He breathed as if he could sense that I was feeling otherwise.
I smiled up at him he was amazing. Wrapping my arms around him, I laid my head against his chest looking down at the moonlights reflection on the water. I was happy, today was the day that he finished our house. It was so beautiful.

"Clara." He pulled my chin up to him, and kissed my lips. "I love you forever and always."

I jolted awake, what was that? I sat up as the sweat poured down me. That had felt so real, and familiar. Was that another memory? I grabbed my blanket throwing it off of me trying to cool down.

Was David behind that dream somehow? Could ghosts mess with dreams?

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