Chapter Twelve

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Morning came and I found myself drowning in my book. David stayed at the house to spend some time with Dakota, I really enjoyed the peace and quiet and the smell of the flowers, the nice breeze, the butterflies that flew from flower to flower.

When I'm in the garden, it's like nothing else exists, the problems of the world just fade away.

I've been out here since I woke up and took a shower a few hours ago. Today was my day off and I really wanted to enjoy it the best way I could, I even looked cute. I had on my purple tank top and shorts, my hair up in a messy bun.

I read a few more pages when my phone vibrated, I pulled it off of my stomach and saw a message from Ryan.
"Hey. Want to go see a movie tonight? I see The New Romance is playing."

I rolled my eyes as I typed back. "Nope, have plans."

Sighing, I plopped my phone back on my stomach and went back to my book. I still don't trust that guy, he's probably texting Samantha right now about going with him.

Screw that.

I laid down on the bench and continued to read, or tried to read. I was a little annoyed, and just read the same sentence over and over again. My heart felt as if it was pulling me in two separate directions, I was falling for Ryan but I've also realized the other night that I'm falling for David as well.

Maybe my soul really is meant to be with him? But I thought that was just with Clara?

My phone vibrated again, and my jaw clenched. Ugh Ryan!

I grabbed my phone and slammed my book shut, but this time it was Daniel?
"May I come over later? I want to talk to you."

After a few minutes of thinking I finally typed in "Yes."

I wasn't really upset with Daniel anymore, he was just frightened. He even apologized to me, so why should I hold a grudge? Plus, I needed a friend right now amongst all of this chaos in my life.


Walking in the front door, David was holding Dakota shirtless in the living room, with only black cargo pants. My eyes couldn't leave his body, he looked perfect in every way. His black hair was a little messy, it was obvious he's been rough housing with the puppy.

A smile tugged at my lips at the site, they were adorable together. Balls, chew toys, bones were scattered throughout the living room.

Where did he get those? As I inched my way closer they looked worn and used.

"They were your grandfathers toys for his old dog." He grinned, feeling proud of himself.

I remembered Charlie, his old german shepard. That was at least five years ago!
"I'm sorry David but that's kind of gross, they are old. Why don't I go pick him up some?"

His eyes widened and he looked at Dakota. "Do you want her to go buy some new toys?" He asked in a silly voice. He then, brought his other hand up to Dakotas lips to act like he was talking back. "Why, yes dad I would love some new toys!"

I couldn't help it, the smile that tugged at my lips a few moments ago came and I laughed. David was good with dogs, but was he good with children too? That I didn't remember. I didn't even remember if Clara had any children, they were only married for two years.

It was only a short drive to Shop-A-Lot, I enjoyed the drive here. Singing to my favorite songs the entire way, swinging my arms in the air like a fool whenever I got to a stop light.

Walking through the store I noticed people looking at me funny, whispering about me, laughing. I started to feel a bit anxious. Seemed like almost all eyes were glued to me like I was some famous celebrity?

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