Chapter Sixteen

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The next morning I found myself at the library, my nose deep into the history of the town with a cup of coffee to the side. Three books were stacked up, while one laid in front of me. Determined I skimmed through the pages carefully looking for anything that mentioned David or Clara, I tried to forget everything that happened last night with Samantha and Ryan. Today was about David and I wouldn't leave here until I learned something, anything that had to do with this curse.

The first book didn't really say anything about the Ottos. I threw it aside and opened the next book, this book had events and pictures of them. Dead people stared back at me from the pages as I flipped.

After a moment I stumbled upon an article and gasped. Clara's mother spoke in an article after Clara's death about Clara being eight weeks pregnant when she died and that Clara didn't tell David yet.

"Poor Clara." I breathed out. "Finding out your pregnant, then dying like that? That's gotta suck." I whispered to myself. I kept flipping the pages scanning for anything more until I stumbled upon an article about Clara's moms death?

"Killing people by black magic and spells. She is a witch!" My eyes widened as I grabbed my cup of coffee and sipped it.

So she was a wacko? A freak? Did Clara, Did I know back then?

David did say that she claimed to put a spell on him to his face before he died. He claimed that he laughed it off and walked away.

Apparently, the article claims that she went nuts after Clara died and started making the town sick with her stupid evil spells and eventually was murdered.

I read on and on, but nothing about how to break the curse.

Sighing I slammed the book, and opened the other. It held all the death records, and nothing that could be of help.

Ugh! Groaning I put my hands over my eyes and pulled them down slowly. What now?

Suddenly the librarian stood in front of me, arms crossed. She came out of no where?

"I'm gonna have to ask you to leave." She huffed.

What on earth? I didn't do anything wrong? What crawled up her butt and died?
"Why? On what grounds?" I defended, annoyed.

She raised a brow. "You are disturbing everyone!"

What? She can't be serious..
I've been quiet and reading to myself? I bit my top lip as I looked around, hardly anyone was here except a few of the girls I spotted Samantha with at the store a few days ago. Once my gaze landed on them they started giggling amongst themselves.


I rolled my eyes and stood up, pushing in the chair as the librarian grimaced at me.

I started to walk by her and stopped. "You know, you shouldn't keep your face that way. I would hate to have it stuck like that." Smiling I laughed in my mind as she huffed.

It didn't take me long until I arrived back at the house, I pulled in noticing that Daniel's car was here? But why?

I walked through the door and Dakota rushed out of the kitchen to me, jumping on my legs, wanting me to pick him up so he could lick me to death.

After I dropped my bag, I picked him up and tried to dodge the kisses as laugher filled the room. I walked to the kitchen to see David and Daniel laughing together. David's shirt was off, and he wore black sweatpants for once. Daniel, had his favorite leather jacket on with camouflage pants.

I walked over to David and stood on my tippy toes to kiss him, then moved to the cupboard to pull out a glass.

"What do we have here?" Daniel teased. "You're taking my advice?"

I laughed as I poured water out of the fridge.

"Well either way, I'm glad you came to your senses. David is awesome."

David grinned, teeth showing. "Do you like hunting?"

"Bro, yes! It's been years since I went but I would love to go with you sometime."

I watched as both David and Daniel exited the room. What happened there? Looks like they're going to be good friends! I bit my lip smiling when someone knocked at the door.

"I'll get it." David stated.

I gulped more water down, when I heard Ryan's voice and then yelling.

My eyes widened. "Crap! David's going to kill Ryan!"

I rushed out of the kitchen door to see David holding Ryan up in the air by the neck. His fingers digging in deep.

"Dude. You shouldn't have come." Daniel stated arms crossed.

I rolled my eyes. That's not going to help the situation!
"I just wanted to apologize." Ryan struggled to say.

"Bull. You want to mess with her again!" David was spitting through his words. "I won't let that happen."

Ryan's eyes narrowed. "Who are you anyway?"

David tightened his grip.

"That's Kendra's man, duh bro." Daniel replied, by the look in his eyes he wanted to beat the hell out of him.

Ryan instantly looked confused. "I didn't know."

David pulled him closer choking him to the point he was turning purple. "Just know this, if you come near her again. I will not hesitate to kill you. Do you understand me?"

Ryan nodded the best he could before David shoved him to the ground. slamming the door in his face.

"Dude. That was intense!" Daniel face was in the form of an "O."

David shrugged then turned to me. "Did you find anything?"

I nodded, wishing I could've found more. How would Clara being pregnant or how Clara's mom die break the curse? Clara's mom was evil towards the end of her death.

"I learned that Clara was pregnant at the time of her death." David leaned on the door to prevent him from falling over, different emotions were filling him all at once.

He started to shake. "What else?"

I felt bad for him, learning that he almost had a family but then lost it. I grabbed him around the waist and leaned my head into his chest. "Nothing other than how my umm, Clara's mother died. She went nuts over Clara dying and starting putting spells on the entire town, the townspeople had her murdered for being what they considered a witch."

"But how does that help us break this curse?" Daniel questioned.

"Us?" I teased smirking sideways.

He rolled his eyes. "Yes, I'm apart of this now too."

"Honestly I'm not sure." I looked to David, grief and regret ate at him for years and now.. I can't even imagine what he was feeling.

"Well have you checked online?" Daniel asked pulling his phone out. "There's got to be something?"

"Not yet." I sighed.

After a moment of silence, Daniel searched and searched. "Yeah, this may take time. There is a bunch of different stuff on here, a lot of it might be bull crap. We have to be careful."

David swallowed hard and punched the door with his fist, startling me. "We don't have time!"

"Okay. I'll go home and look through a bunch of these and do some research. I will get back to you tomorrow. Let's pray I find something useful!" He grabbed his coat, and exited the door.

Sighing, David hung his head and walked upstairs.

Everything ached inside of me, I needed to fix this. I needed to set David free, I can't stand seeing that man in pain.

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