Chapter One

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The drive was only a few minutes, but it felt like forever. I sat at the edge of my seat, my heart was pounding against my chest in excitement. Today is the day that I'm finally moving out of my parents home and into my new house!

I pulled up to my late grandfathers victorian house. It was in the middle of no where with trees surrounding it. Lots of land, there was even a lake that was on the property. I remember going fishing on it a bunch of times with him, and he would always help me take the fish off of the hook.

I smiled at our memories. I missed him so much, he died last year from a heart attack in his bathtub. The house then fell to my parents who are letting me rent it!

Just then a my dads truck pulled up from behind me with all of my furniture. I sighed and opened the door to step out.

The house was massive, at least three floors with four beams supporting the balcony on the first floor from the porch. It was all white, and very fancy. Flowers bloomed on both sides of the stairs. Now, it was mine.
I studied it for a long moment as my dad walked past me with my recliner. I rushed past him and opened the door, smiling as he walked in and set it down. My friend Daniel was here too, helping my father bring in my belongings.

Daniel was a close friend to the family, my father loved him and was always trying to set us up and each time I always declined.
It's not that he wasn't attractive, he was with his messy coal black hair, and deep blue eyes. It's just that he was always like a brother to me, I could never want him any other way. It would just be way to weird.

I watched as Daniel brought in my full length mirror and rested it against the spiral staircase. I studied myself for a moment. I wore skinny jeans, with my blue top that made my sky blue eyes pop.
I grabbed my dark brown hair and pulled it to the front, so it would hang down my chest.

"Are you done checking yourself out? Now will you help me with your bed?" Dad asked.
I nodded, and skipped out the door, over to his truck. He handed me part of it and it was heavy. I gripped the headboard and one of the legs.

My arms shook with the weight. I wasn't a strong girl at all and it showed, I was struggling with the frame of the bed while dad carried the other side like it was no big deal.

After a few good minutes, we placed it in my bedroom. I looked down to see red marks on my hands.
They hurt, still I ignored it and rushed down the stairs to go help unload more. I was happy.

Finally I had an entire place to myself!
A few hours later, I was all settled in. Dad and Daniel had left and I was relaxing in my very own living room.
Which had its own fireplace by the way! This house is one of the houses you would see in the movies!

Exhausted I laid down on my couch and drifted off to sleep.


A few hours later, I had awaken to the sound of the front door bell ringing.
Oh crap. I forgot Samantha and Daniel were coming over for supper.

I jumped up and answered the door.
"Hey Kendra, I'm loving your new house." Sam smiled walking in with a bottle of whine in her arm.

Daniel wasn't with her?
"I thought Daniel was coming with you?" I asked confused.
"He's meeting me here. He had to go do a few things." She replied as we made our way to the kitchen. She placed the bottle on the counter and looked around.

"Wow. This house is beautiful. May I live with you?"
We both laughed.
I just got out of having two roommates, I didn't want another.
She grabbed her blonde hair and threw it up into a bun. Sam was always the sort of popular girl that always had every guys attention, she was called the schools 'barbie' back when we went.

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