Chapter Seven

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The plastic chair made my bottom hurt. I chewed on my bottom lip while my hands were folded in my lap watching Jesse look over my papers. I thought the interview was going quite well, he seemed like he was interested in hiring me but we will see.
I even made sure I dressed nice. I wore a red mini skirt, with a white buttoned up tank top tucked in with a light blue jean jacket over that. The outfit was completed with my tan boots.

"Well Kendra, I like what I'm seeing." He crocked an eyebrow. "What kind of candy bar do you like?"

Huh? What kind of question was that? Maybe one for fun? Maybe he knew that I was all nervous somehow?

"Snickers." I smiled.
He looked back at the papers for a moment before closing them and extending his hand to me.
"Welcome to the team. Can you start tomorrow morning at eight?"

Excitingly I grabbed his hand and shook it, happiness filled me. One more thing off of my shoulders! "Yes, I will be here."

Now if I can get some sleep tonight I would be all rested up and ready, hopefully David isn't loud and lets me sleep. My mind immediately rushed back to seeing David in the kitchen, he said he could be a human for only two weeks once a year, but afterwards he went to being a ghost again?
Was it not time yet? How was he even human if it wasn't? I had so many questions, and hardly any answers.

Then again, the dude thinks I'm the reincarnation of his dead wife..

I grabbed my car door and pulled it open and slid inside, I pushed the key into the ignition when suddenly my passenger door opened and Daniel climbed in.

Instantly it felt as if my excitement was replaced with anger. "What are you doing here? In my car?" I snapped.

He sighed as he dropped his head back, and then turned to face me. He had on his favorite leather jacket, and dark blue pants. His dark pools of blue searching mine. "I'm sorry Kendra, I didn't mean to push you away. I was just frightened."

I pinched my lips together hard. Just because he was scared didn't mean that he had to be a complete prick to me!
I focused my eyes back to the steering wheel.
"Please say something Kendra. I still want to be friends." A strand of his messy black hair fell in front of his eyes.

"I just can't get over how you could treat me like that, like I was nothing." My hands gripped the steering wheel.
He slumped down into the seat. "This isn't the first time I have seen or heard a ghost. Ghosts can be dangerous sometimes, it's best just to stay away from them."
What was he talking about? What happened that would make him this scared?

"Still." I shook my head in disbelief as my eyes caught Samantha walking by in the review mirror.
She was alone, which was weird considering she always had to be around friends and with Tony's death....

"She blames you, you know?" Daniel said, clearly noticing Sam.
"Of course she does." I rolled my eyes and tightened my grip.
"Did Tony really try and rape you?"
I scrunched my eyebrows at him. "Why would I lie about that Daniel?"

He moved a little trying to get comfortable. "I'm not saying you are, it just bothers me that I wasn't there to stop it, to help you."

I looked back to see that she was completely gone now. Samantha and I have been friends for years. It bothers me that she would blame me for something like this.
"My lunch break is up. I must head back inside." He gave me one last smile before getting out of the car.


Later on I stood in the kitchen washing the dishes, listening to my favorite music on my phone. Singing every other sentence and dancing like a complete fool. Things have been a rollercoaster ride around here, and finally stuff was getting better. Somewhat? My best friend hates me, my other friend wants to make up after completely avoiding me, I finally got a job!

I smiled at the thought. Now I can actually afford to get something like Netflix or Hulu.

I turned around to get my towel that was behind me, when three roses laid under my eyes.
How the?
How did they get there?

I walked over and placed them in a vase full of water.
Maybe David?
No one else is here 24/7 and I did lock the doors when I got inside.

Huh? I shook my head and thought of last nights dream. I couldn't stop thinking about it, it was more than just a dream it was almost like a memory. If what David said was true, then would it be normal to have dreams of a previous life?

Now I'm starting to sound like I'm insane. That stuff isn't real. Then again, I never thought ghosts were either.

Suddenly a knock on the front door echoed throughout the house. I threw down the towel and headed towards it.

I swear if it's Samantha. I'm giving her a piece of my mind!

I grabbed the door and yanked it open revealing a handsome face looking down at me. My heart sunk in my chest as I forced a doofus smile on my face.
"Kendra. Hi. I'm Ryan."

I studied him for a moment, he had spiked but short blonde hair, his brown eyes looked a little rusty. His face was perfectly sculpted, which sent shivers down my spine. He looked as if he had just walked off of a modeling magazine.

"Hey Ryan, What brings you here?" I asked shyly. Hoping that my face didn't get red.
"I just wanted to apologize about how Samantha acted the other day, it wasn't cool."

He was at the party? I didn't recognize him. "You were there?"

He nodded his head and shoved his hands in his jean pockets. "Yeah, Samantha brought me to meet you."

My eyes widened. He was the man Samantha wanted to introduce me to.

"Do you have a phone?" He smiled showing me his perfect white teeth.

"Yuh- Yeah." I shook my head and grabbed my phone out of my pocket realizing that my palms were sweaty.

Ugh, embarrassing!!
Once he grabbed it from me, I wiped them on my shirt.

"There. Now I can be in touch with you if you ever want to hang out sometime." Still smiling he gave my phone back just as every hair stood on my body, I instantly got cold and anxious.

What on earth?
It got colder and colder. Ryan didn't seem affected by it at all? It was just in the house. My chest tightened as I felt David watching me. I turned and looked around but didn't see him, but I knew he was there.

I turned to face Ryan and swallowed hard. This was awkward.

"It was nice of you to stop by, but I really must get back to scrubbing the fridge tank." ... "I mean fish tank." I corrected myself hoping he wouldn't get upset or anything.

He laughed, must have thought it was adorable how I just stumbled all over myself. "It's cool. Let's talk sometime, by the way you're blushing." He did a sideways smirk and turned on his heels.

I quickly shut the door and leaned against it trying to breathe.

Ugh, I'm such a dork! I looked around for David once more and the feeling that he was there watching me, was gone.

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