Chapter Fourteen

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Yawning I clocked out. Today's shift seem to drag on and on, I was exhausted from the nightmares last night. What made matters worse, Alexandra was off today, I would have loved to sit and talk with her during my lunch break.

I couldn't stop thinking about what happened this morning with the mirror, maybe someone was trying to prank me? I didn't hear anybody come in the bathroom though? David did say he was out in the garden, maybe he left the door unlocked.

Maybe my mind was so angry with Samantha, that I was just seeing things earlier? The bee-otch did make a fake facebook about me. I noticed on my break earlier that she deleted it, or facebook did with all the reports I was putting in.

Pushing the door to leave, I instantly met Ryan's brown eyes.

What was he doing here?

He had jeans on with a white shirt with a green hoodie overtop, holding a bouquet of roses?

"Kendra, I was hoping to run into you." He smiled, his cheeks turning red.

Even though I was a little angry with him still, I felt a strange pull. Wanting to be with him, to love him.

Maybe I could give him another chance?

Or maybe I should just continue to run from this.

"H-Hey Ryan. What's up?" I could feel my cheeks starting to heat up as well as my hands.

"I wanted to give these to you." He smiled again and handed me the roses, they were beautiful, perfect. "And I was wondering if you would go out to dinner with me tomorrow night?"

I pinched my lips together as I looked up up at him. It was easier to say no through text message, how could I do it in front of his face?

I didn't know what to say.

I parted my lips for a moment and allowed my front teeth to slid across, my heart racing, palms sweating.

My mind was pulling me in all sorts of directions. Should I? Shouldn't I?

Why was he giving me the puppy dog look?

"Fine." I breathed out, giving in.

Ryan's face lit up as I mentally smacked mine in my mind.

"Alright then my lady, I'll be picking you up at six tomorrow night."

I nodded my head and watched as he moved passed me into the restaurant to go talk to Jesse, who was literally a few feet away watching us talk through the door?


Sighing I opened my door and slowly sat down on the seat. I'm gonna end up regretting that.


Rain drops hitting the window, I looked out towards the sky. It had gotten a lot darker within the last few minutes. Groaning, I sat back against the seat and turned on my windshield wipers and headlights, I was really hoping that the storm was going to miss us.

Every time it would rain the ceiling would always leak somewhere, benefits of living in an old house. I rolled my eyes in annoyance. It gets old putting buckets down to collect the water. The last time it rained, I tripped over the bucket because I wasn't paying attention and got water everywhere.

After a few seconds, it started to pour heavily and I was almost home.

I'm gonna end up getting soaked in the rain.

By the time I pulled into the driveway, it had started to rain even harder. I took my keys out of the ignition and looked up to see David playing with Dakota outside. They were both soaked, rolling around in the mud and grass pretending to fight. They didn't seem to mind the rain, it was a cute thing to watch.

David's white shirt stuck to him, showing his abs, he had ripped up jeans on. That man was a hard worker, but at times like this he's a little child.

I smirked at the mud on his face. He really needed a bath. They both did.

I opened the car door, and rushed to the house. Trying to avoid as much rain as I could using my purse as an umbrella. Once inside I rushed to my room and stripped my black work clothes, jumping into my comfortable black knee length dress.

I looked alright for someone who just got out of work. Now it's time for some hot chocolate and a good book!

Smiling I was almost on the last step of the stairs when a knock sounded at the door.

I wonder who that is?

I bit my lip as I open the door to see a chunky salt and pepper haired man in a heavy jacket and jeans, with rain boots?

"Hey Dad. Why are you here?"
That was weird, ever since I moved in here he hasn't talked to me. No calls, messages, nothing.

"Did Daniel tell you the good news? He is now a firefighter. I couldn't be any prouder of that kid." Dad pushed by me smiling making his way to the living room.

I rolled my eyes as I shut the door. That's the reason why he came here, to try and get me to want to be with Daniel.

Frustratingly I stomped over to living room and sat down in the chair by the fireplace.

"I think you both would make a lovely couple." He grinned.

"I don't, like the other five million times I have told you. He's only like a brother to me and that will never change."

His eyes narrowed. "You have never given him a chance Kendra, I think he is what is best for you. He has a good job now, an honorable job."

Sometimes it felt like my father liked Daniel over me, his own flesh and blood. It irritated me to no end.

Suddenly the sound of puppy nails hitting the hardwood floor snapped our heads to the door. David just walked in all wet and muddy, Dakota rushed over to dad and kept jumping on his legs trying to get up on the couch to lick him. Hyper as always.

"What is this!" Dad growled staring down at my little bundle of joy getting his pants muddy.

"That sir, is a baby dog. We call them puppies." David replied sarcastically as he walked over to Dakota picking him up into his arms.

"Who are yo- wait." Dad stood up to meet his gaze. "I know you from somewhere, but where?"

My chest clenched as I jumped to my feet. "No Dad, that's impossible. That's my friend Roland, visiting from Canada."

"My name is certainly not Roland, that's the dumbest name I have ever heard." He argued, I shot him a dirty look telling him to back off when dad wasn't looking.

"No. You look like my fathers old helper that stayed here every once in a while to help out." Dad stated, staring into David eyes, then studying his facial features.

"That's enough dad, don't be creepy!" I grabbed him and pulled him back to the couch with me.

"I think he said his name was David, are you related." He asked.

Oh my gosh, he needs to let it go. David's gaze instantly fell on me confused and I shook my head no.

"No sir. No relation." David replied as he walked to the bathroom with Dakota following.

"He's a strange one." Dad said with one eyebrow raised.


The sound of the rain hitting the window kept me awake. I laid on my side staring at the door, the wind howled and the thunder roared. Every other minute or so, my room would light up from lightning. Dakota, whimpered next to me under the covers. I held him tightly trying to tell him that it was going to be alright.

Must be his first thunder storm. I closed my eyes, if I couldn't sleep maybe I could just rest them a bit?


My eyes shot open. That was real and in my room! I scanned the room, no one was there. That time it sounded like Tony. I pinched my lips together hard, maybe it was just the wind?

Maybe God was telling me that I needed to apologize? Maybe I was meant to be friends with Sam again? Whatever it was, I needed to find out.

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