Chapter Fifteen

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Licking my lips I pulled my wet hair to one side, braiding it. I studied myself through a steam filled mirror.

So far, so good.

I had on a red strapless long dress and black sandals. It was elegant and beautiful. I haven't really been on a date since high school, I am so out of practice!

I slowly made my way down the stairs, trying not to fall on my face meanwhile getting Davids attention.

"Please don't go Kendra." Pain evident in his voice, his light blue pools were saddened.

I lifted myself up into his arms and kissed his cheek. "He's only a friend David."

He clenched his jaw and looked down, then turned away from me defeated.
"David, don't be like that. It's just friends hanging out."

His nostrils flared in anger, but his focus remained on the floor. Back turned to me.

"David, come on. Don't be a child like this!"

"Don't be upset by another man courting my woman? My wife? I don't have much time left as human Kendra, and you'd rather spend it hanging out with that as*hat!" His sad eyes now flared down at me in pure anger.

It was true, everything he was saying is true. He didn't have much time left which made me sad, but what can I do about it? Was there something I could do about it?

"David we will figure things out so you can stay." I smiled. "Don't lose hope!"

"How? You haven't even tried to help me figure things out and it's been over a week already. I've been trying to figure things out nonstop, so I don't have to leave you so we can have a life together if possible."

I sighed. He was right, he had every right to be upset with me. I was focused on all of this drama with Samantha and my job that I really didn't think of it. I was selfish.

"You're right." My voice starting to crack. "I won't go. I'll tell him some other time." I dropped my purse on the floor and sulked over to the couch and cover my eyes with my hands frustrated.

I listened as he followed me in. "Go."

Huh? I looked up to see him trying to hold back his pain and his anger.


"Go." He repeated before walking out the door.

"Wait! David!" I jumped to my feet and rushed to the door. He didn't stop, he didn't say anything, he just kept walking down towards the woods. The garden.

I watched until he was no longer in sight. I felt a tear rolled down my cheek as a car pulled up. A black sedan. I used the back of my hand to wipe it away before stepping down the steps towards Ryan.

I watched as he got out of his car and opened up the passenger door for me with roses in his arms. Using a fake smile, I took the roses and slid inside.


The ride was awkward, Ryan tried to talk but I wouldn't. Everything was so chaotic in my mind it wasn't funny, I wish I could turn it off and enjoy the night but I couldn't.

David was right, I wasn't trying to help him figure everything out. He was good to me, it was the least I could do to try and figure out how he could stay human or at least go to the light.

After a few moments we pulled up to a nice restaurant, called Frying Nemo. I could see why he liked it so much, the name had a humorous vibe to it.

He ordered some fish, and I ordered some macaroni and cheese with some chicken nuggets on the side. My mind kept going back to the argument with David, maybe I should have stayed with him.

It was kinda odd not being the waitress.

After we ate, he ordered up some ice cream for us to share. Cookie dough cups! I was enjoying mine a lot when he spoke up.

"So. Kendra. I must say those pictures you sent me were very sexy."

I perked an eyebrow up at him, while shoveling some ice cream in my mouth.

"What do you mean?" This is confusing?

He laughed. "The nudes of course, but I must say I prefer girls who don't send all sorts of guys naked pictures of themselves."

I jumped up slamming my fists down on the table. Anger burning in my chest.

"I never-"

"Kendra honey, it's not that you're not sexy you are. I just think that it's inappropriate and you should stop doing it."

He smirked at me, causing me to shoot daggers at him with my eyes.

"Ryan. I never sent you any pictures." Stay calm Kendra, stay calm. There's got to be something to this, I just got set up somehow.

"You don't have to feel bad, other girls get desperate sometimes." He laughed.

My breathing started to quicken, and my eyes started to swell with tears.

"What's going on?" I asked confused.

Suddenly Ryan's eyes shot past me to someone. "Did you get it?"

Samantha cackled behind me. "I got it." She stood by me and ended her video.

Tears streamed down my face as I just looked at her. How could someone be so cruel? I looked around as everyone started laughing. How come I didn't notice her in here before? Was she hiding under the table or something?

"Awh look, she's cryin'" Samantha laughed.

I swallowed hard as I grabbed a handful of my ice cream and shoved it in her face, and threw my wine into Ryan's face as well before storming out.

Samantha was calling me all sorts of names but I couldn't focus on that. I needed to get away. I grabbed my high heels, and ran, and ran until my feet couldn't take it anymore, until I collapsed on my knees. My body shriveled up in a ball as I brought my knees to my chest. Tears pouring down my face.

How could she do this to me? All I did was say no to a party and embarrassed her in front of friends. She didn't have to take things this far? It was her fault in the first place for doing it after I said no.

Looking around I noticed I was still on the side of the road, I didn't care, it was starting to pour and in no time my eyeliner washed down, staining my cheeks.

Two hours later of walking, crying, I arrived back at my house. I trembled as I turned the door knob, once it opened David stood on the other side, arms crossed. I could tell he was angry, but once he saw me his expression changed and he instantly lifted me up into his arms.

"I will kill him if he ever steps foot on this property again." David growled as he carried me up to my room and into my bathroom, sitting me on the toilet. I watched as he started a bath going for me.
I shook as I looked down to my feet, wanting to cry some more but I couldn't, my eyes hurt to much.

"He and Samantha, they've been tormenting and bullying me since Tony died. I actually thought Ryan wanted to be a friend, but instead he was helping Samantha."

"I see." David growled. "You're not going to work tomorrow. You're going to stay here with me."

Once the water filled up he helped me get undressed and into the water. I trusted him to see me naked, I needed help because my feet hurt so bad from walking all that time without shoes.

Who better than to help you get undressed than an old husband from your last life?

Maybe he was right, I need to stay away from them for a while.

He sat by the tub and pulled me into a hug unexpectedly. "Kendra, I love you."
I lunged at him, locking his lips on mine while wrapping my arms around his neck, clashing our tongues between our mouths.

From that moment on, I knew I was in love with him and only him. But how can I break the curse? How can I keep him human?

"I love you too."

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