Chapter Ten

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The moonlight shined upon me as I shook in the cold, walking up to the house I noticed David in the top window looking down at me. Shivering a little I rubbed my arms together hoping to get warm.

Shaking I struggled with the handle for a minute. I walked into the house, looking around. David must still be angry with me upstairs.

The fire was lit in the fireplace, I walked over to it and flopped on the floor, bringing my knees up to my chest. Tears flooded my eyes making it hard to see, images of what just happened flashed in my head over and over.

I was just starting to have a thing for Ryan, but that's not what bothered me the most. It was the fact that Samantha put him up to this! It all made sense now, she was upset because I wouldn't let her have that party.

Tears raced down my cheeks heavier now as I listened to the cracking of the fire next to me, warming me.

This was just like her, I have watched her torment people for years and over the most stupidest things. I never thought I would be on this end of the rope someday.

"Kendra." David slowly walked over to me, bending down on one knee. "Why are you crying?"

He must have heard me upstairs. I was being kinda loud. The anger that I had for him earlier vanished, now I just wanted to sit here. It was weirdly soothing listening to the fire.

"What happened? Was it your friend?" He asked, wrapping his arms around me. I didn't know what to say so I just nodded my head yes.

I could feel David's breath on my neck as he sighed. "I had a feeling."

I wiped my tears away and flung myself into his arms for a hug. Knocking him onto his butt. He didn't hesitate, he hugged me tightly. Refusing to let go. I tried to hold back the tears but they kept coming.

"It's okay Kendra. I'm here. I will always be wether you like it or not."
That caused a smile to tug at my lips, It was true the man could be so annoying, but he was always there even as a ghost.

He pulled me back by my shoulders, my head bent downward. He grabbed my chin lifting it so that my eyes looked right into his bright blue pools. "I love you."

How could this man be so loving and gentle towards me? I'm constantly trying to avoid him, trying to forget my past life as his Clara.

He stood up, and pulled me up into his arms shocking me by how random it was.

"What.. What are you doing?" I questioned.

He smiled down at me with such loving eyes. "You'll see."


David walked with me in his arms for about twenty minutes in silence, I watched as he walked down the creed side and then into a bunch of trees for about five minutes. As he walked, I looked up at the beautiful night sky above us. It was mesmerizing how the stars sparkled. I instantly spotted the big and little dipper!

My eyes widened as David put me down, we were in a perfect circle in the woods. Flowers bloomed everywhere, every flower known to man. In the middle of it, was an old wooden bench, very fancy with hearts carved at the top. A stone walk way led from the trees to the bench.

David smiled as he bent over and picked a rose. "For you my love."

My heart dropped in my chest. What was this? Did grandpa plant these? Did he make this place? How did David know about it?

My mouth formed an "O" as I took the rose from him. I was speechless, I've never seen anything so beautiful my entire life! The way the moon light shined through the trees itself was breathtaking!

"How did you know about this place?" Still in shock.
He laughed a little and walked down the rock pathway to the bench. "I made it."

He what? I followed and sat on the bench by him. "When?"

"After we got married I made the bench, and put the rock path down but once you died.." He paused, leaning back on the bench staring up at the stairs. "Once you died, I died and every year for two weeks I found myself becoming human again, so every day I would plant another flower in memory of you."

My mouth parted. "Everyday you were human?"

"Yes." He smiled. "I hoped that someday we would get reunited again, and I would show you."

I gazed down at the rose in my hand, I was so in awe with everything I had completely forgotten that it was cold out. I dropped the rose on my dress and started to rub my hands on my arms.

Not only a second later, David gently took off his hoodie and placed it on me.

How was this man so nice?
"Uh. Thank you David." I smiled appreciating him. "So did my grandpa help you plant these?"

He smirked. "No, it was all me. No one else knows about this place, now it's yours Kendra."

My heart fluttered, and my chest filled up with warmth. My own little garden? It was beautiful. I could come out here to read whenever I got out of work, whenever I was stressed, heartbroken. This garden seemed magical.


All night I've been thinking about the garden David made all of these years, longing, waiting to see Clara again. I wasn't looking forward to my shift today.
What if I ran into Ryan or Samantha? What would I do? How would I react?

I closed my eyes as the water poured down my body, rinsing off the soap. I couldn't believe I was thinking this but David was starting to grow on me. I was starting to find him less annoying.

Stepping out of the shower, I grabbed my towel wrapping it around my body. My phone lit up causing me to look at it, a message from Ryan popped up.
"Let's talk."
I rolled my eyes and slowly made my way to my room. I pushed open my door, to find Ryan sitting on my bed smiling.

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