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I wish I could say that all my love songs are about you. That all the times when I'm happy, when there are no worries in my mind it's because the only thing that's on my mind is you. And that just the thought of you makes my mouth smile and my heart bounce. That the only thing I need in this life is you.

I wish I could say that I miss you when I'm all alone in my room and when I'm among hundreds of strangers or even my best friends. That you are so important to me that I can't put it into words. That if you were gone I wouldn't only miss the good times but also when we argued or fought. I'd say that I miss every little piece of you, even the ones that had bothered me sometimes. And that all my heartbreak songs are now about you.

But I'm not able to say any of these things, because there is no love or heartbreak story, there are no songs in my mind and no you in my life. There is just loneliness, and a little spark of hope that one day someone will come into my life who makes me smile without doing anything just because I'm so thankful that this person stepped into my life and decided to stay.

2018 (2)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt