I know Zuko is a bad guy, as well as Toph and the others but I felt sorry for each and every one of them when Aang suddenly went into the Avatar state. It was scary, witnessing my brother this way. I mean I too enter the Avatar state but I at least am not that scary, I think, let me just say I'm not entirely sure. But strange thing is, Aang didn't even try to harm Toph, he left her alone. Maybe he felt sorry for her since she's blind. Aang couldn't contain his anger, and I too couldn't, for Zuko. But I didn't want to enter the Avatar state, I haven't mastered it yet. I could hurt many innocent people here, but they aren't so innocent since they've come to see me die. The rope around my neck was now fully choking me, I couldn't breathe and my pulse seemed to be racing. My vision was beginning to become blurry but I could clearly see when Toph grabbed Sokka and pointed upwards to me. The last thing I saw was Sokka unleashing his boomerang and it flying towards me.
Coldness.That was the only thing I felt.
Someone was calling my name, a male's voice, it sounded boyish though, like the boy is in his teenage years. I couldn't identify who the voice belonged to. It could be Aang, Kai, Jet, Zuko or Sokka. But Kai is manly so no, it can't be him.
“Yana please....” The voice pleaded with me. It sounded hopeless. Worried even. I truly wonder who it is.
I tried to pry my eyes open but to no avail. It seemed as if the darkness was everlasting, but I could hear perfectly. My body was in agony. Well, I can't say I'm surprised, I was hanged.
“I don't know if you can hear me but there's something I want to tell you.” The voice continued. “I know it sounds weird but I kinda went crazy when you were gone.” It paused. “I...I love you Yana, so much.”
I heard shuffling of feet. “Come on Sokka, she's...Yana died. Let her go.” A woman's voice said. No, I knew that voice. Katara.
“She...She can't be dead Katara.” Sokka argued. “She just can't be. If she dies, then I die as well. The first day we saw her, we found her, I was nothing but mean to her. I need to apologize for that, the way she apologized for hurting Yue.”
Katara sighed. “Let it go Sokka. Yana died, it isn't your fault. It's her fault altogether. She ran away from us because she wanted to. And when she ran, she ran straight into the fire nation patrol guards. She was foolish Sokka, you know that as well as I do. Can't you see? That's why Aang is out there looking for Zuko, because he doesn't want to stay with her. He knows what she did, he knows it's all her fault.” Katara huffed out.
If that's the way they truly think of me, then I wish I were dead.
Well, Sokka said he loved me. I can do this, I can open my eyes just for him. Aang and Katara can fall to the pits of an active volcano, I don't care anymore. Even if Sokka hasn't apologized or anything like that, I accept his apology. In fact, I am overjoyed that he wants to apologize.
“Lies!” Sokka's voice was shaking with anger. “Yana didn't do any of this to herself. You are to blame Katara, you poisoned her! Told me not to help her when she was oozing blood everywhere! Well guess what?! I'm going to help her now!”
“Don't say I didn't warn you.” Katara huffed out and soon the sound was followed by that of footsteps.
I took whatever bit energy was left in me and I opened my eyes. Just for Sokka.
×××××Well, guess that explains Sokka's odd behavior in the first few chapters.
💧Why would Katara be so mean?
💧Were you worried about Yana?
💧What do you think of Sokka's confession?