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💧Why would Katara be so mean?

💦Honestly, not even I know.

💧Were you worried about Yana?


💧What do you think of Sokka's confession?

💦I think it's cute for him to confess his feelings, true feelings, to Yana.


💧So, what are your thoughts on the Silent Treatment With A Twist?

💦It's cruel, but worth it.

💧Do you think that Yana will forgive Katara? And Aang?

💦She has too, she has no choice. Aang is the only real family she has.

💧Lastly, do you think Zuko will be back? I mean two chapters without him, gee that's a lot.

💦Honestly, not even I can tell.


💧Why would Aang do this? To his only real family?

💦He has good reasons, don't hate him yet.

💧Do you think Yana will forgive him? To be fair, I wouldn't.

💦Like I said, he has good reasons, but I never would forgive him.

💧Lastly, do you think she's okay? I mean like, she jumped off Appa! And they were still airborne!

💦I know not, but let's hope she is.

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