It's the blew dew in the lazy mornings
The big bright sun enlightening the cosmos
The warm blue blanket I curl up in
And the winter night chill."You're everything and you're every where"
That's best how i could describe
The thoughts that go around in the back of my mind
Swimming in their own pool
Covered in their own Moss
Falling and giggling in their own bliss
They're unwelcome to my doorstep sometimes
But I forget to lock the door.
I'm crazy like that.Winter uniforms and Metro railings
Ice creams and chicken bubbling in all its red glory
My house and all the memories we etched over those same walls
That I trace my fingertips over and
Wonder if I'll ever, ever in my life
Come to the point of taking a hold
Of this massive baggage of memories
And pour them out in a different pot each
Till the time I'm old enough
Not to dwell, only to reminisce.It's in how the curtains flutter
And the sunlight washes in to kiss my cheek
It's in every cup of coffee I make
Every time I claim what's yours is mine
Atleast, pretence gets me a long way sometime.They say time is a great healer.
I don't know when time plans on working it's magic on me.
It seems as if everything wants me to
Remember you, all day, all the time.
Because the universe tried so long to
Let me be yours that now that I don't have you
It doesn't believe what I have done.
I'll let you in on a little secret
Sometimes, I don't either.
Misted Thoughts
PoesiaA resultant of the cacaphony of the head, heart and mind. A collection of words, that I myself am unable to fathom. Go ahead at your own risk.