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Really wanted to make a book about creek lmao. South park fandom,  hope you enjoy~

I do not own South Park nor any characters in this book (credits to Trey Parker and Matt Stone for creating South Park)  and this is a YAOI/LGBT+ ship,  if you are not comfortable for that proceed to leave,  thank you

There will be inappropriate language and (maybe) a bit of sexual interactions/ inuenndos
And more
You have been warned

Craig Tucker,  a 17 year old student of south park high,  a 11th grader,  who doesn't give a shit about anyone and was said to be the heartless person in the city

Craig's pov

I woke up at 8:00am and got ready for school. I usually wake up early since I walk to school instead of taking the bus,  not that I hate the bus but it's nice to feel the morning breeze in a peaceful time.
I arrived at school and met up with my two only friends,
Clyde Donovan and Token Black

"Yo,  Craig! " Clyde called for me

I went to our lockers since we're by each other

"Did you heard we're going to have a new student??? " Clyde asked,  excitedly

"Nope, don't care" I said monotonely

"Aw come on dude,  what if it's a hot chick??? " Clyde nudged my elbow

"Leave him be,  of course he wouldn't care" Token told Clyde

Sometimes I wonder they wanted to be my friends because they pity me. A friendship made out of pity sounds harsh,  but whatever it's obvious.

The bell rang and we went to our first class,  since we had the same class at the first period

"Alright class!!!  Today we have a new student,  please welcome him.  Go on come in" Ms. Choksondik Mumbled the last part for the new kid but it can still be heard.

The new student stepped in.  He has spiky blonde hair which was really a disaster,  a horribly- buttoned green shirt,  and he kept twitching from time to time,  holding a thermos.  I gotta say though,  he looked......  Kind of cute...  Wait what am I thinking???

"H-hi,  ngh im Tweek Tweak (giggles from the class) a-and it's glad to meet you- GAH" He was really weird

"Well Tweek,  there's an empty seat next to Craig- oh Craig raise your hand! " I raised my hand and flipped everyone of,  which caused laughter

"Craig show some respect for the new student! " Ms.  Choksondik said while Tweek started making his way to the empty seat next to me

"Oh um,  Tweek I'll let you and Craig off today,  Craig show him around the school" Ms. Choksondik said

"God damnit" I mumbled to myself,  getting up and leaving with the new kid

"Tweek,  huh??? " I wondered

"Ngh!! " Tweek replied shyly

God that was cute I thought

"Well um,  let's start this way" I said pointing right
Tweek nodded


"You can sit with us if you have nowhere to sit on lunch" I said not thinking at all

"Ummm o-okay! " Tweek said

"Come on, I'll bring you to your next class" I said,  going a bit faster just so we won't be late

"T-Thanks Craig" Tweek mumbled

We reached his class but before he went in he told me something

"I-im looking forward for our ACK!  F-friend ship,  see you" then he walked in

I feel.........  Different

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