Chapter 6: Like to Love

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Craig's pov

After me and Tweek handled the shop, i got a call from Clyde

"What??? " i answered monotonely

"Where were you and Tweek??? "

"We ditched"

"What?!?! Without me and Token??? "

"Why am i involved??? " i heard Token from the background

"We encountered some serious subject, ok??? "

"And those are??? "

"...... The hell would i tell you??? "

"Im your friend"

"Well it's private so i can't tell you"

"Damnit" i heard Clyde cursed

"Well, wanna hang out??? " Clyde asked


"Why not??? "

"Im busy, and so are you with homework. Bye" I ended the call

"H-Hey Craig"

"What??? "

"W-Wanna..... Hang out??? My parents aren't home so we can have a sleepover too if y-you dont mind..." He asked blushing

"..... Sure"

"Cool!!!! I-I mean, can we go grocery shopping first??? I don't have ingredients at home"


We started heading out of Harbucks

He seems happy, makes me happy too

Tweek's pov


I cant believe i asked Craig to hang out with me!!!!! Or a freaking sleepover!!!!!!!!!!



"AGH!!!! "

Ah shit

"Im gonna go get my stuffs and head to your house while you buy groceries, is that ok??? "

"Ngh!!! Yeah"


I arrived at home with Craig seeing me on the way

"S-So ngh what do you wanna do first???"


"W-What??? "

"I want to have dinner"

I looked at the clock to see it was 7:00pm already

"Oh wow"

When i was making dinner Craig asked me

"Tweek do you have a phone??? "

"Y-Yeah" i replied, setting the food on the table

"Can i have your number??? "

"U-Um.... Sure"

I told Craig to just get my phone and get my number while i pour myself a cup of coffee, and sip the coffee after

"You should stop drinking that"

I spit out the coffee

"W-WHAT?!?! "

"Well, maybe because of coffee your twitchy and stuffs"

"That's so impossible man!!! What would my parents think if i stopped?!?! "

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