Chapter 13: a sister to the rescue

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Craig's pov

"Okay so we'll need his sister"
Kyle said
We we're in Kyle's room, talking about how we can stop Kenny and this madness
"But wont Karen be a bit upset that we're doing this?" Stan asked
"I know she'll say yes, if it's anything about her favorite brother then she'll do anything"
"How do we get there??? Kenny might be in the house" I said
"Once he's in charge of guarding Tweek and his family, we'll go to Kenny's house and convince his sister to help us, then we'll go to Tweek's basement and solve it all there" Kyle explained
"Why does Tweek have a basement-" I asked
"Im so lucky to get such a smart boyfriend like you~" Stan hugged him from behind
"Staaan not now"
"What the fuck"
Stan lets go and Kyle rephrased himself
"A-Anyways, luckily Kenny is in charge for guarding Tweek and his family tomorrow so we might as well do it tomorrow" Kyle said
We all nodded and i left them alone and head back to my own house
I came home to see my mom looking at me
"Where we're you???" My mom asked
"With Stan and Kyle" i replied
"Awwww is my son getting new friends other than Clyde and Token??"
"Mom stop it"
"Im just proud sweetheart, dinner's at the table then you can go back to your room"


Me, Stan and Kyle got off first period and headed to Kenny's house
Once we arrived we knocked on the door to see Kenny's mom looking really tired
"Aren't you supposed to be in school-"
She was stopped by her husband who threw a glass bottle at her
"Oh my god!" Kyle gasped
The husband and wife started arguing so we let ourselves pass and go to Karen's room

Once we came in we heard Karen crying at her bed
"Karen? Is everything fine?" Kyle asked going up to her and us following afterwards
"Kyle??? Why are you here?" Karen asked
"We we're gonna convince you to-"
Kyle slapped Stan's face and stopped him from continuing
"We came here to visit you" Kyle said
"Visit me? Where's Kenny??"
"Well, we need your help on getting him back"
"What happened?"
"You see Karen, people wants revenge sometimes. That revenge will sometimes goes too far and wont end well, if you can help us and stop Kenny he might not take a revenge that has already went too far but your the only who can stop him" Kyle explained
"..... it's because of him i was crying" Karen muttered
"Well, what's wrong?" Stan asked
"Ever since i knew he hooked up with girls I didn't want to talk to him because he's just a play boy toying with girls feelings, but once he stopped I can't bring myself to talk to him. I miss his protection, love and care, and he was the only one who really cared about me in this family" Karen explained, crying
"You can talk to him again! You can join us to go find Kenny and stop all of this conflict" Kyle reassured
"Really???" Karen asked, seeing a glim of hope in her eyes
"You love Kenny right?" Kyle asked
"Yeah" Karen replied
"Well, Kenny loves you too. All he wants is for you and him to get back to each other" Kyle explained
"Why are you making it sound like they we're dating" Stan muttered loudly
"He stopped hooking up with girls just to get you back, he really cares about you and would protect you from anything to not get you hurt"
"...... ok i understand" Karen said
"Great! Let's head there before we ran out of time" Stan said, getting up
We all got up as well and headed to Tweek's house
Im finally getting him back

Tweek's pov

I woke up to see Kenny here today
I looked at my side to see my mom and dad still asleep
I had been crying and begging for me and my family to be let go
I don't know how long I've been in here but all i want to see is the sunlight
"How was your nap?" Kenny asked, approaching me
I couldn't reply because my mouth was covered by a cloth
"Well guess what Tweek,"
He pulled out a notebook which made my eyes wide
I started screaming for him not to open that notebook
"It's too late Tweek, I've read everything in this little precious notebook of yours. All i wanted to do is read it aloud to my audience"
By that time my parents woke up from my weeping saying 'no' through the cloth while my parents knew what was already in that notebook
But to my surprise a door was heard opening and saw Stan, Kyle, and
It seems to be Stan and Kyle we're hiding some......thing behind them but
I was so happy to see Craig again
"It's time to end this Kenny!" Craig said coming up to him
"Craig! Just in time, i was just gonna say Tweek's BIGGEST secret!!!" Kenny said
Wait! Anyone but Craig!!!
"Wait Kenny! Look who we brought"
Stan and Kyle showed Kenny that they brought his little sister

Cliff hanger baby!!!!
I feel like we're nearing the end of this book of mines, and if i am i want you to pick what ship i should do next:
Style or Bunny???
Anyways follow me here and on instagram @campycandy where i post my arts!
Btw Tweek has a basement so they can keep their stocks and shits in there

947 words

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