Chapter 11: dissapearance of the Tweak family

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Tweek's pov

I heard a knock on my door so i stood up and opened it
"Oh uhhh..... hey"
"Sorry, your mom let me in"
"Y-Yeah umm why are you here?"
"I wanted to.... apologize, i was being an asshole back then cuz why not and shit but when you came into my life, everything change, you give me the urge to change!!!"

For a second i felt a bit weirded out since his apology turned into protest but it was flattering when he mentioned that it was because of me he wants to change
"N-No im also sorry for.... f-for lashing out on you like that, it was in the past anyways"
Craig stared at me in silence and caught me off guard by hugging me


"Oh, sorry"

He let go which made me a bit disappointed but other than that i had to make sure
"S-So are we friends now?"
I smiled at him and he smiled back which made him look so much better than his emotionless face
"Hey what's up with your mom getting giddy when i told her that we we're friends?"


"H-Hey Craig!!!"
God it feels so good to talk to him again...... even though it wasn't that long
I met up with Craig, Clyde, and Token at the lockers
"Looks like Craigery and Tweekers are back together" Clyde hummed
"It's not like we're dating" Craig retorded
"Also don't call me that" Craig glared at Clyde
"If in Stan's group it's Cartman and Kyle, then in this it's Craig and Clyde" Token said to me
"Y-Yeah i can t-tell" i said while watching them fight
"Break it up you two, we're gonna be late for class" Token tried stopping the fight

Token is really like a mom

As we head over to our first class Craig stopped me by the arm
"Wanna.... ditch?" He asked
He knew I didn't like his ditching habit, but with the conditions we're in right now i might as well join him
"S-Sure, why not?"
We spent all day doing random bull craps that we wanted to do, and we ended up ditching the whole day of class

As we we're walking to my house i asked him
"Hey Craig, do you always ditch classes?"
"Uhhhhh yes and no?"
I frowned a bit
"But why? Why do you want to?"
Craig thought
"Because i want freedom, i want to do whatever i want and it's unfair for the world to keep me in a cage all the time so sometimes i just do what i want" he replied
His answer was so smart for a dumbass like him
God i love him

"Tweek??? We're here" he said
"O-Oh, thanks for walking me home i guess..."
"Yeah, no problem"
I hope we can do this some more
Is what I would've said but I couldn't bring myself to
as he left I opened the front door and as always, greeted my mom and dad home

"Mom!!! D-Dad, im homeee!!!!"

No response

That's weird, mom and dad are always home since they only work at the coffee shop

I looked around a bit to see if there are any signs that their here
But none
I sighed
They just arrived and now their gone?
I tried not worrying much, maybe they went to work at the shop.... even though the shop isn't open at this time
At this point I was twitching like i used to before
I tried finding them and i kept shouting their names
Where are they?!?!
In the middle of me still trying to find my parents i blacked out by something hitting my head

Clyde's pov

"It's been a week since he didn't went to school and when i tried coming over to his house it was l-locked....."

Craig was getting worried for Tweek, and Token is really concerned about his disappearance
"But why all of a sudden???? We finally became friends again and.... and this happens, a-and not only HE is missing... b-but his whole family also..." Craig's eyes we're wide and freaking out a bit more
"Look, maybe he went to a family trip and hasn't said anything about this" Token tried calming Craig down

I was just there watching Token trying to comfort Craig but whatever he does doesn't really work
"Look why not you stay by my place tonight and we'll watch red racer"
"Clyde??? You wanna stay over too?" Token asked, snapping me out of my thoughts
"Uhhh yeah sure, i have to go somewhere though. Be back in a bit"

I left them without saying my  goodbyes and headed out of Token's house
A bit of walking made me think more
I feel so guilty.... so guilty that I couldn't even bring myself to care for Craig in what state he was in earlier
I stopped in front of a house that now i fear, and rang the doorbell

"Wow took you so long to get here" i stepped right in and they led me to the basement

There i saw 3 people tied up and unconscious
And i only had one question in mind for them to answer

"So, what do you need me to manipulate Craig?"
Heyyyy exams are coming up so i have to leave you on this cliff hanger for now hehehehe
Sorry not sorry, but i want you to guess what's going on about this, what happened to Tweek??? Who's behind this??? And most of all, what does Clyde know about this??? Find out next time my dear readers

947 words

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