Chapter 18: confession

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Craig's pov

I walked towards Tweek, who was laying his back on a wall
"H-Hey Craig" he greeted
"Look, im sorry for what's happened and-"
"No no no!!! You don't have to apologize" Tweek interrupted
He took a deep breathe
"I know things have been rough the past few days with all of the drama but that speech was really....... touching" he said, blushing at the last part
"A-And i know I can't just abandon you forever because my feelings for you are strong and I'll always have hope for us"

"Tweek....." i said, looking straight at him
"I like you, a lot" i confessed
Tweek smiled happily
"I like you too"
We both gave each other a hug and with a bit more talking to compromise our recent friendship with Token and Clyde, we decided to tell them that me and Tweek are all good now
Me and Tweek spend the whole afternoon saying sorry and having fun times afterwards at his house, but i had to leave since it was getting dark
I left with a smile, happy that our friendship was fix again


"Morning Craig!!! "
Tweek left his home and we started to walk together
It feels so nice that i get to be closer with him,  but it wasn't clear if we we're in a relationship since we didn't talked about it yet,  and so that's why i will

"Hey Tweek"
Tweek turned his face to look at me
"Yes? "
So cute!!!!!
"U-Uhmmm you know we never really talked about it but..... "
"Well,  what is it Craig??? "
I turned around to face him entirely

"I love you Tweek Tweak!!! "

It was silent for a moment until Tweek smiled at me happily

"I love you too,  Craig Tucker"

I was happy that he loves me and i got closer to hold both his hands and a faced him

"Will you be my boyfriend??? "
He laughed
"Is this a proposal??  Craig your so cute! "
"Huh??? "
"Be my boyfriend"

"What a great ending!!! "

We turned around to see Stan's group and Clyde and Token
"W-What?!?!  You guys we're watching?! " Tweek freaked out
"Relax Tweek,  you should be happy that you and Craig got together,  looks like im the only one who doesn't have a partner" Clyde said
It was true,  at first it was only Token who's dating Nicole
But now Craig and Tweek got together
"Didn't you said you liked the blondie??? " Craig asked
"Her name is Bebe,  and yes i still do" Clyde said proudly
"Well go hit her on!!! " Stan cheered
"Craig im glad you guys got together!! " Kyle smiled
"Yeah, it's thanks to you guys" Craig replied
"Im still sorry for what happened,  im sorry Tweek,  Craig" Kenny said
"N-No!  It's t-totally fine" Tweek answered
"Geez the aura is getting too lovey dovey" Cartman grumbled
"Is cartman jealous" Token hummed
"Shut the fuck up!!!!  I don't intend on getting one anywas" Cartman replied
"Uh-huh" everyone said
"Mother fucker" Cartman cursed
"Hey hey,  we're gonna be late for school" Stan said
"Oh shit i forgot" Kenny said
"Well,  let's go! " Kyle said

Tweek's pov

"Tweek!!! "
"Huh? "
I turned around to see who called me and it was non other than Craig tucker,  my boyfriend
Were boyfriends right?  I guess it's okay to call names
"What is it babe??? " i asked,  smiling
Craig nose bleed,  falling backwards

"N-Nothing.....  You going home? " Craig said covering his nose to stop the bleeding
"W-Well yeah,  but we have to deal with your nose first! "
I brought out my hankerchief and wiped off the blood
"You okay??? "
"As long as im in your care"
I blushed hard and accidentally smacked his face while cleaning his nose,  which made the bleeding worse
"Oh s-shit!!!! "

We left the school with a bloody hankerchief,  and a beat up Craig with tissues clogging one of his nose
"S-Sorry..... " i mumbled
"It's okay Tweek, you wanna go get coffee" Craig asked
"Yeah sure"
We came in harbucks with holding hands and my mom saw from the register
"Ohhhh,  well this is new" my mom said,  signaling our hands
"It's what you think it is"
"Why im so happy for you two!!!! "
"Thank you Mrs.  Tweek,  we'll have a black coffee and a mocha.  How much will it be??? "
"0$ it's on the house,  take it as my blessings for your wedding"
"MOMM!!!!! "

Me and Craig sat in one of the tables while waiting for our coffees to arrive
"Aren't you glad that the shop was empty? " Craig asked
"Y-Yeah.... " I mumbled
"....... Tweek"
"Hmmmm? "
"Are you embarassed that we're together?  Do you not want to be together? "
"N-No!!!nonononono!!!! I want us to be together"
"Ok,  im glad" Craig smiled
Ughhhhhh i barely see Craig smile so cute like that!!!!!!
I was blushing hard until my mom served our orders
"Have fun you love birds" My mom said
"Oh, and here's 20$ for earning a boyfriend" my mom whispered
"MOM!!!!" My mom laughed and left
"Your mom really is happy" Craig said
"Hehe it's because she never expects me to be in this kind of relationship,  since im not one to talk" i replied
"Thank you so much Craig,  for everything" I said
"Me too Tweek,  im glad i met you,  and im glad that we're together now"

We inched closer as we shared a sweet kiss,  then we heard a phone picture so we turned around from where the sound came from
"Goddamnit mom!!!! "


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