Chapter 1: making friends

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Tweek's pov
I'm really shy at making friends,  but I hope Craig thinks of me as his friend!

I looked for an empty seat and saw a spot next to a blonde that wears a blue jacket.

He was in my class at first period,  maybe I'll sit with him I thought

"Why,  hey there fella! My names Butters. You're Tweek Tweak right? " Butters asked

"Y-Yes I am,  n-nice to meet you AH! " I twitched and started to shake a bit more than usual

"Woah!  Calm down friend"

Did he just considered me as his friend???

"F-friend??? " I wondered

"Well,  yeah. We're friends right??? " he asked with a bit of worried ness in his voice

"S-Sure" I smiled warmingly

"Well that's great! " Butters yelled,  happily

"Butters!  What's the ruckus??? " the teacher asked

"Nothing ma'am!!! " Butters said quickly

"Well it better be nothing... " the teacher mumbled angrily


"Hey!  We should eat together at lunch" Butters told me

"Oh,  s-sorry Craig already -ngh- asked me earlier" I said apologetically

"What?!  THE Craig Tucker??? " He asked fearfully


"Don't you know who he is?!?! "

"Well of course not I'm new" I mumbled

"Well,  Craig Tucker is the most heartless guy in the city! He won't even give two shits about his friends,  in fact he only has two! " I looked confused,  was he really???

"Aw come on Butters,  -ngh- he can't be t-that bad" I gave him a reassuring smile

"He is! He doesn't care about ANYTHING and ANYONE!!!! " He warned me

"Well  except stripes..." He mumbled

"W-Who's Stripes???"

"His pet Guinea pig"

"Oh. I-if that's so....  Then I'll change him" I said confidently

"Are you that powerful???" Butters said,  admiring my confidence

"I m-may not be strong,  but I t-think I can handle him " I said,  as we arrived at the cafeteria

"Well good luck Tweek! " Butters said

"T-thanks.... " I said,  blushing a bit

No one really thanked me nor gave any compliments and good luck's back at my old school,  I was the freak there and that's why I transferred here.  I hope the same thing won't happen here,  I've got enough scars from defeat already, but never enough scars from a battle

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