chapter 4: Ditch

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Tweek's pov

I woke up and noticed that i wasn't in my room

Oh shit!  Somebody must have kidnapped me when i was out!!!  Then they would've raped me and touch me everywhere and-

"AGHHHHHH!!!!!! " I screamed,  pulling my hair

The door opened

"What's wrong Tweek?!?!"

"...... Oh"

"Well??? "

"Um n-nothing"

"..... Ok, You know how to cook??? "

"Y-yeah,  why'd you- ngh ask??? "

"Could you... Make breakfast? "


I got up and went downstairs

Well,  there's eggs

I grab two eggs and got a pan

I'll just make sunny side up

When i was done cooking i could see Craig waiting for me in the dinning room,  and we started eating breakfast

"You wanna take a bath??? "

"Hm???  O-Oh, sure"

He lead me to his bathroom and showed me where the shampoo and soap was

"Leave your clothes in this basket so i could go get it and wash it in the washing machine"

I did as what i was told and took a shower

Once i was done, i wrapped a towel over my body and stepped out to see my clothes still looking the same as before and was still in the basket

"Oh god damnit- Craig!!!"

He walked up

"What- oh"

"So??? Didnt you say you were gonna wash it???"

"...... Red racer was up!!!!"

"Wash it!!!"

I threw my clothes to his face

"Argh, fine!!!!"

He walked downstairs and i noticed i have no clothes to wear

"...... Craig, wait!!!"

I walked out of the shower to see him at the stairs

"What" he asked,  with a monotoned voice

"I- ugh,  i-i have no clothes to wear"

He sighed and went up to his room

I followed him from behind

"Here" he gave me a white shirt,  with a 'Red Racer' logo printed on it,  and pants

He head downstairs,  leaving me alone in his room

I dressed up to see his shirt over my waist,  and his baggy- and i mean BAGGY- pants

"Ah shit,  n-now it looks like i h-had sex with him" I mumbled to myself

The door opened to reveal Craig

"Woah,  didn't know my size is huge for your body" he walked up to me and looked up and down

"Hehe,  cute"

"W-What??? "

"Oh nothing"

We stayed silent,  looking away from each other

"Ack,  i f-feel like im forgetting something" i said looking up at him

When i realized what it was,  my eyes widened

"OH SH-SHIT!!!  SCHOOL!!!! " I started panicking and started pulling my hair too


"We could ditch"

I looked at him,  my eyes twitching

"D-Ditch?!? Are you fucking serious?!?! "

"Tweek,  calm down"

"Ok fine!!!  But l-lets go to my house first"

I went down to their laundry to see that my clothes we're ready to be used so i switch with Craig's clothes to my clothes.

"So where do you exactly live??? "

"Ack,  i l-live on main street"

"Ok,  I'll lead you there"

I don't really know the roads here yet,  i just moved 3 days ago

"Oh cool,  is that harbucks? "
I heard Craig say

"Ergh- my parents owns it f-for business"

"You don't work there??? "

"'Course i do!!!  J-Just not often... "
We went to my house and i noticed a note on my fridge

"Huh??? "

'Hi honey,  me and your dad went back to our home town to visit grandma for maybe a month or so,  she had an incident and no one was there to take care of her. I hope you understand,  we left 500$ on the counter,  if you lack the money just call mommy.  Also run the shop for us,  thanks honey -mom'

"What is it??? " Craig asked,  walking over to me

"M-My parents wont be home for a month or so,  grandma had an 'incident'"

"Oh....  Hey both of us are alone wanna hang out??? "

"God damnit Craig,  that's not the point! "

"Then what IS the point??? "

"....... ARGHH!!!!  FINE"


687 words

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