Chapter 12: the mastermind

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Craig's pov

"Clyde are you ok? You've been acting weird lately"
"So? You've been acting weird ever since Tweek and his family disappeared"
I stood up and grabbed him by the collar
"you do NOT talk about Tweek and his family like it's something you don't care about"
"Dude come on, i bet their just on a family trip to get Tweek a bit more relaxed from what he's going through"
I sighed and let go which made him fall to the ground
I feel like Clyde knows something about their disappearance
"Craig??? The bell rang we should get going" Token said
"Oh, sorry"
We all headed to the first class and i glance at the empty seat next to me which made me feel sad

It's been 2 weeks ever since the disappearance and up until now i still didn't find any clues
With frustration, i waited for the first period to end and once it does im going to ditch and try to find more clues
I noticed that at some point either Cartman, Stan and Kyle, or Kenny would be absent as well ever since the disappearance, but today it's Stan and Kyle

When class ended i headed out of school and stopped in front of Tweek's house
I tried to see if the doorknob would at least budge today, but of course it didn't
But then, I remembered that there's another way of getting into his house so i climbed up the tree next to his window, hoping that his window is unlocked
And luckily it is, i came in quietly to hear the doorknob getting unlocked so i quickly closed the window quietly and hid in the closet
The door opened and i tried peeking who they we're through the holes of the closet

"Maybe we can find some more secrets in here"
"Dude I don't even wanna do this"
"Well we have to or else he's gonna blackmail us with our biggest secret"
The voice seemed familiar but I couldn't make out who it is because the holes are too small (not sexual i swear)
I heard the footsteps coming close to the closet so i hid behind the clothes and closed my mouth
Or maybe not and let my nose be filled with the scent of Tweek's shirts
God i love that twitchy blonde boy

"Oh check it out!!!"
I felt them pull something out and the sound of papers getting flip
"Oh my god dude"
"I..... I can't believe it.."
"Should we even tell him?"
"I don't know-"
The dude's voice was interrupted with the door swinging open
It followed with footsteps
"Craig went out of school"
"That's what he always does"
"What's that??"
Looking out the now opened closet door i saw a guy wearing an orange parka snatched a notebook out of the boy with a red poof ball hat
"Perfect" said Kenny
"Dude please we shouldn't do this" Kyle protested
"It's the only way to get back at that fucker! Once my sister heard about the news of me hooking up with some random hot ladies, she's been distance ever since. And how not to pay him back by getting his loved one"
He was reading the notebook that now i figured is Tweek's diary

I clenched my hand at Tweek's clothes
That son of a bitch....
"Any reports from Clyde???" Kenny asked
My eyes went wide when i heard his name
"Yeah, he said that Craig has been awfully worried about Tweek and his family" Stan replied
"Then this is going according to plan"
Kenny left the room and shut the door

Narrator's pov

Stan and Kyle took a breath
"What are we gonna do?" Kyle asked Stan
"I don't know how to stop him, he's really determined to get him back"
Stan replied
"Is he now?"
Stan and Kyle shouted to see Craig behind them but luckily Craig stopped them from shouting any further
"Shh! Don't let him hear you" Craig whispered

He let go of Stan and Kyle
"H-How'd you get here?" Kyle asked
"Window" Craig replied shortly
"Damn" Stan muttered
"So your just letting him control you guys?" Craig asked
"Dude we have nothing else to do, we got our hands tied just because we trusted him with our secret" Stan whispered
"Well this wouldn't have happened if your sorry ass didn't spread rumors about him hooking up with chicks!" Kyle whispered loudly
"Im already sorry for what happened, but I don't know why his taking it seriously" Craig replied
"It's because of his sister dude! He would protect her from anything and would always be there for her, and now that she's avoiding him drills a hole into his heart!" Stan whispered loudly
A banging was heard from the door
"Stan? Kyle? You good in there?!"
Kenny said over the door
"Oh shit" Craig muttered
Before Kenny could see the scene, he opened the door to see Stan and Kyle hugging each other and no one else
"Hey, give us some space please?"
Kyle argued
"Oh sorry.... why's the window open?"
They looked over at the open window
"Fresh air! It's nice to feel natural breeze coming by" Stan replied
"Ooookay" Kenny said

He closed the door to leave Stan and Kyle alone
"Wow, when could you think of answers that fast?" Kyle asked smirking, leaning at Stan's chest
"Well i got that from this little cutie!" Stan replied hugging Kyle
"Im still here you know" Craig said outside the window, standing at a rooftop
"Oh" Stan said
"You guys don't really like doing this right???" Craig asked
"Yeah dude, but Cartman is literally supporting each and everything Kenny's doing about this" Kyle said, rolling his eyes
"Well, how about help ME get Tweek and his family back?" Craig asked

I forgot to announce this but my book reached 1k views!!!! I want to thank all of the people who reads this horrid of a book but it makes me happy that someone actually enjoys my book!

1008 words

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