Chapter 16: sweet revenge

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Stan's pov

"Man im tired" i said falling onto my
"Well, we we're part of it so we should finish it" Kyle replied, sitting down on my bed
I sat up and hugged Kyle from behind
"Because of this I don't get to cuddle you a lot" i whined
"It'll be over soon" Kyle said, leaning on me
We stayed like this for awhile until he spoke up
"About this problem were trying to fix.." Kyle got off and faced me
"What about it?"
"What should we do?" Kyle asked
"Well, we can make flyers and give it to students about bullying" I suggested
"Yeah I haven't thought about that, i say we'll take a time to give a speech to stop bullying people"
"We can do both" I said
"Craig and Kenny can work on the flyers, we can write the speech now" Kyle
"Ok, I'll text Craig and Kenny"

Craig's pov

My phone notified that i had a message so i checked it out

Dude can you and Kenny work on flyers about bullying? Me and Kyle are working on something else

I gave a sigh and replied back


I texted Kenny to come over so we can work on the flyers and im the only one who has a computer and a printer
"I hope this is worth it" i mumbled


I head to school and went to my locker, i saw Clyde, Token and Tweek hanging out next to my locker since that's Clyde's and Token's
"Heh guys" i said
They gave me a stare and didn't reply back
"What's wrong?"
Tweek gave me a glare and left
Clyde following after him and Token mouthing me "sorry" and left with them
I can't believe they did that
I stood there, shocked that they would do such a thing
Can't they see im trying to fix this mess?
I cursed to myself and opened my locker to get my books for our morning period

Kyle and Stan approached me while i was getting my books
"Hey, we're so sorry dude..." Kyle said
"Yeah, we saw everything" Stan said
"It's okay, let's just get this shit over with" i sighed, closing my locker and facing them afterwards
"Well, we'll be taking the time in the afternoon, we got to talk to pc principal and he said we can do it this afternoon" Stan said
We all walked together to our first period class and i noticed one locker that had writings on it
Some words says: whore, non-virgin, raped, slut
Once i knew what they we're talking about it was Tweek's locker im looking at
Stan and Kyle noticed i was staring at the locker so long and once they noticed what i was looking at they felt bad as well
Staying silent, while walking Kenny catches up with us, greeting a good morning
"Hey where's Cartman?" Kenny asked
"Oh yeah i forgot about that fatass" Kyle said
"I hope he's rotting from missing his mom's company" i muttered

Cartman's pov

I woke up and went to the bathroom to ready, once i was done i went downstairs to eat breakfast
Sat down, grab my spoon, i looked at the food to see what was breakfast for today
"What the fuck? Salad?!" I complained
"Mehmmmm!!!! Where's my tbreakfast?!" I yelled
"Oh, well that is your breakfast"
"You know I don't eat salads, that is not my breakfast!"
"What's on the plate is your food, now eat up or you'll have nothing to eat"
"But mehhmmm"
"But your my mom!!!"
"And what if i left? What if i died? How will you take care of yourself?"
"Our auntie will take us in"
She slammed her hand on the table
"You think they'll do that for you!??"
"What's gotten into you mom? Are you on your period?"
She sighed heavily
"I know what you did with your friend, Eric. I wouldn't think you'll do such a thing, and you know that's not very nice so i want you to pay your price"
"Mom im sorry already, can you just make pancakes?"
"No, like i said that's your breakfast. Eat up before your gonna be late for school!"

She left and i looked down and cursed to myself
"This is not gonna change" i mumbled

Craig's pov (so many povs i know)

While i gave Stan and Kyle the flyers me and Kenny got to print, Cartman approached us having a gloomy look
"Hey guys" he mumbled, dead inside
"What happened to you?" I asked
"..... breakfast was toxic"
He kneeled down before us
"Please! I'll do anything to get my mom back for giving me anything i want, im sorry i told everybody Tweek's secret!!"
"Sorry doesn't change anything" I said, lifting him up with his collar
"Wait Craig! He said he'll do anything right?" Kyle asked
"Yes! I'll do anything" he pleaded

Kyle was filming Cartman and we we're all watching from the back
"Go on" Kyle said
Cartman sighed "im sorry for being an asshole and for making fun of Kyle being a jew"
"And a ginger"
"And I'll stop making fun of him for who he is and will treat him like a king and him treating me as a peasant"
Then Cartman acted like he had a skirt and bowed, making him look dainty and gay
"Im so confused" i mumbled to Stan and Kenny
"Sweet revenge" Kenny hummed
Kyle stopped filming and had another request
"Ok fatass, you better help us stop them from bullying Tweek it was your fault"
"Yeah yeah" Cartman mumbled

Im not sure if this is gonna go well or not
Y'all i hope your enjoying this so far i just kinda went bonkers but please vote and comment on my story! Also follow me on instagram @campycandy thanks!

1002 words

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