Chapter 9: distance

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Tweek's pov

"W-Welcome home mom and d-dad.." i said welcoming them back
"It's great to see you again Tweek" my mom smiled at me
"How was the shop?" My dad asked

"O-oh it was easier to handle since my friend helped me out"
"A friend you say???" My mom wondered
"Well who is it?" My dad also wondered
I blushed a bit but i managed to hide it from them
"Maybe bring him over sometimes, i would love to meet him" my mom smiled in excitement

I really didn't have much friends in my old school so my parents are actually happy with a bit of a change
I smiled back
"Yeah i will"

The next day

I got ready for school and waved my parents goodbye
I turned around to see Craig waiting for me at the front porch
"Jeez took you so long"

I saw him smile for a bit which made me blush
It's rare to see Craig smiling

"You good???" He waved in front of my face which brought me back to reality
"Ngh y-yeah"
"Well let's go"

Walking with Craig to school is kind of a nice thing to do, he's showing a bit more of his soft side.... i feel like im the reason he's vulnerable... welp too far to turn back now

As we we're heading to school we passed by Kenny on the way
"Yo mind if i join in???"
"N-No! Not at all" i interrupted Craig
I figured Craig was mad but it was his fault for telling people what he wasn't supposed to
Me and Kenny we're having a small chat until we reached school and had to part ways

"What'd he do to you?" He asked
"What'd you do to HIM???" I asked back
"Tweek i-"
"Craig it's not nice to just say things to others that you weren't supposed to"
"I had no choice"
"No, you had a choice"
Craig stayed silent
"Im trying to change this attitude of yours, I didn't believe that you we're an asshole. I thought maybe i can change that from you, but no you can't help yourself"

Craig's pov
Tweek stormed off after saying his purpose
I can change, i swear
With a gloomy look i headed towards my locker where my friends usually meet up
"What's wrong Craig?" Token asked worriedly
"Tweek got mad at me for what i did to Kenny back then"
"Can't deny it dude, you really shouldn't have done that" Clyde defended
"I know, but it was back then"
"Why not talk to him about it? It was back then"
"Yeah, but i dunno what to say"
"Think about it, now come on before we get late for class"

Me and my friends hurried to our first class and arrive just as the bell rang
The only empty seat was left...
When will this day get any worse
Was with Tweek
I sat down next to him and saw a glare from his face, man he must be really upset
I couldn't sit with him, it was just awkwardness all around us and it's making me uncomfortable
Fuck it
"Miss can i go to the comfort room?"
"Hmmm I don't know CAN YOU??"
I sighed "MAY i go to the comfort room?"
"Yes you may"

I stood up, packed my things and left
They might be wondering why im packing my things but i just wanted to ditch school again
I couldn't handle being with Tweek without talking to him like usual
It breaks my heart

I arrived home to see my mom in the living room
"Ditching school again huh?"
I ignored her and headed upstairs instead
I arrived in my room and laid down on my bed
What a fucking day
Sorry short chapter cuz i ran out of ideas, expect more for the next though!

656 words

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