Chapter 2: Meet my Friends

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Craig's pov
I can see Tweek approaching our table with a tray of food

" did you let him sit with us??? " Token asked, he's one of my two friends that i have

"Yeah, got a problem? " I turned to him

"N-No just asking... " he mumbled, looking down

"Is our Craig finally showing his good side??? " Clyde hummed

"Shut the fuck up" i snapped at him

"Oh Craig, so vicious" Clyde said, eating his taco

"H-Hey... " Tweek greeted sitting beside me and drinking his coffee

"These, are my two trusty friends" i pointed at Token

"Token Black" Token smiled at Tweek

"Nice to meet you" he greeted

"Clyde Donovan" i pointed at Clyde

"Yo" he answered

"Wanna chill with us later Tweek??? We're having a movie marathon at Token's" Clyde asked Tweek

"W-What??? But ngh isn't it a school AH n-night??? " He answered, twitching

"Woah dude chill! " Clyde tried calming him down

"We're just gonna hang out a bit to celebrate that the second semester ended, that's all" Clyde reassured

"Ngh! Ok.... " Tweek sighed and started eating his food

"....... I like this dude" Clyde said, facing at me and pointing at Tweek with his thumb

"Fuck off" i mumbled, eating my food too

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