chapter 5: Let's hang out

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Tweek's pov

I looked down at the ground, we we're making our way to the shop

"Hey Tweek??? "

"Hm??? " i asked, still looking down


Did he not hear me???

"Y-Yes??? " i replied again


"What?!?! "

"Look at me!!! "

I looked at him

"W-what do you AGH! Want?!? "

He looked at me seriously

"I know, we've been hanging out a lot lately. I....... I-"

I looked down again

"Oh my fuck, Tweek can't you not look anywhere but me??? "

"F-Fine!!! "

I looked back at him again

My face started to heat up a bit

Shit, he looks hot

See why i don't wanna look at him??? Yeah i know

"Look, i know we've been hanging out lately...... And i... I just think you want to know who the real me is"

"You being heartless and an asshole??? Yeah i knew that already"

".... W-What??? How??? "

"B-Butters told me"

"Fucking Butters, anyways what i wanted to say is, ever since I've been hanging out with you..... I feel different"

"D-Different??? "

"Yeah like, i don't wanna do those bad things, flipping people off and not caring about anyone but Stripes"

"Stripes??? "

"What i wanted to say is-"

"Who the fuck is Stripes???"

"He's my Guinea pig!!!"

"Oh yah, right... "

"What do you mean 'oh yah right' you know my pet stripes??? "

"Y-Yeah, Butters told me about-"

"Shut the fuck up about Butters!!!! "

The way he shouted made him sound like he's stress,  so i whimpered faintly and shut my mouth

"Im sorry.... " he muttered while letting out a deep sigh

"Anyways, i- uh, because of you..... I think i can change"

"..... W-Wanna head to the shop and talk about it??? "

He smiled at me



"I know you can change Craig, i know there's still something in there"

"..... You seem less twitchy"

"W-What??? Oh u-um... I... Took extra coffee"

"........... Ok"

That wasn't true, it's because of him. He calms me down more than my parents can

".... You- You know, i wasn't really prone with making friends at my old school"

Craig looked at me sincerely

"T-They would make fun of me drinking coffee all day, being so twitchy and weird. They even called me nicknames like 'Twitch'"

Craig made a frown

"But be-because of you, i have.... Friends now. Token, Clyde, Butters but especially... You"

Craig smiled sweetly at me

"So without me.... " Craig said as
He took a hold of my hands

"You would have been out by the gutter"

My face was red as a tomato, he looked up and saw my expression. Realizing what he was doing he's face turned slightly red and let go

"I-Im sorry... "

I nod, looking away

I already miss the sensation of his hands on mines

"Tweek... "

"H-Huh??? "

"Will you.....  Help me???  Please??? "

I gave him a reassuring smile

"O-Of course!!! "

He looked delighted,  stood up and hug me tight

"Thank you!!!  Thank you so much"

I turned a bit red

Luckily no one was in Harbucks,  so i hugged him back and we stayed like this for a couple more minutes

"Well,  come on.  Let's run the shop" he said,  letting go


He was great hanging around with

I think something changed from me too

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