Chapter 3: a sleepover?

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Tweek's pov

We we're all heading to Token's house,  of course we we're in Token's car while going there

When we arrived Clyde asked
"Soooo what are we watching??? "
"What about horror??? " Token suggested

"Aw hell yeah" Craig said,  smiling for a bit

"Horror's wickeddd" Clyde exclaimed

"I'll go get some popcorn" Token said

"Im tagging along!!! " Clyde said,  catching up with Token

"H-Horror?!?!  Aw man,  i c-cant AH!  Do this!!!  Im gonna freeze and die from a jumpscare! " I exagerrate,  twitching twice as worse

"Calm down Tweek,  you've got me" Craig said,  looking down at me

"ARGHH,  and how would t-that help?!?! " I proclaimed

"Just hold me tight if you feel scared,  to relive your stress" Craig answered

"Rrrr okay! " i said,  twitching less worse than earlier

We started watching a movie,  we planned to watch 5 movies for the night

I started whimpering,  scared of what happens

"It's okay Tweek,  everything's alright" Craig reassured me,  putting an arm around my shoulder and brought us closer

Luckily,  Token and Clyde we're at the floor,  they couldn't see what's happening

3 movies in and it was 9:00pm

I was in Craig's lap and he was there,  soothing me down

Clyde and Token we're asleep,  and i must say they look cute cuddled up like that

"Hey,  wanna go to my house? " Craig asked

"W-What? "

"Hang out at my house,  we can have a sleep over too"

"Sleep over???  I don't have extra clothes! "

"Well,  you can borrow mines"

I looked at him from top to bottom

"A-Are you kidding me?!  Your clothes are like- over sized for me!!! "

"Ok ok I'll wash your clothes,  but while it's washing you could wear my clothes"


We got up and started heading to Craig's house

I noticed it was already 9:24pm when we arrived at Craig's house.  He unlocked the door and when we stepped in, it was really quiet

"I-Is anyone home Craig??? "

"Nope,  just me.  My family went to visit my cousins for like a week or so" Craig replied

We went upstairs to his room

"C-Craig??? "

"Mmph??? " he sounded tired

"N-Nevermind,  you seem t-tired"
"No it's fine,  what is it??? "

"Could you....  M-Make coffee??? "

"..... Okay" he went downstairs and left me alone

I took the time to admire his room
Mostly it's about space and red racer,  wonder what that is
I should ask him about it

He came back 3 minutes later holding two cups,  i guess he made one for himself huh

He handed me a cup and i gladly took it

"Thanks" i replied with a small smile,  taking a sip from my coffee

We sat together on his bed

"S-So,  what's this about space a-and red racer??? "

"Oh,  you noticed huh??? " he let out a small chuckled

"Well you see..... "

As Craig started talking,  it made me a bit tired.  I finished my coffee and layed it on the ground,  resting my head on Craig's shoulder

"Wanna hit the hay??? "

"Mmphh y-yeah"

"You can take the bed,  I'll sleep at my sister's room"

"Okay.... "

I pulled the blankets over me and i could smell the scent of Craig
It's kind of pleasant

With a smile on my face i drifted off to sleep

Craig's pov

I looked back to see if he was sleeping,  and he was. 

He looked so peaceful,  i wanna just get close to him and peck his forehead- wait what am i thinking???

But he looks so cute,  every time he twitches makes him cuter
Shit!  What the fuck is wrong with me?!?!  I should rest

I sighed and headed to Ruby's room,  and fell asleep


621 words UwU

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