Chapter 14: i messed up

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Craig's pov

"Why are doing this Kenny???" Karen asked
"It's because of him!!! You don't understand Karen, losing you is one of my nightmares"
"But you got me back! You don't have to do this anymore..."
"Your just saying that...."
Karen went up to Kenny and hugged him
"No im not saying that, everyone can change and i also miss you. This is what's ruining you Kenny"
Kenny paused and hugged back to Karen
"Im sorry, your right. I'll untie them"
Wow that was simple
I looked at Tweek feeling relief to finally see him again
But by curiosity, Kenny dropped the notebook
While everyone was celebrating i picked it up and slowly opened it
In there a paper fell and i picked it up
Tweek saw me opening it so with all his strength he got rid of the cloth covering his mouth
But that didn't help anything because I've already opened it

''Date: 09/21
A victim raped, sexually abused and other physical abuse as well as using a belt, or a knife and the criminals hands
Criminal: was a child rapist, pedophile
Was never caught
Victim: Tweek Tweak'

It was like a copy of a criminal record
It all happened quickly
Tweek was sobbing really hard
Stan and Kyle let them go and his mom spoke up
"How about we talk about this in the living room?"
We all sat in the living room, me and Tweek we're sitting on the couch
His parents on the other couch
Stan and Kyle we're on the floor
Kenny and Karen we're standing next to Tweek
"You see, back then in our old town there was a child rapist who as we all know..... got to Tweek"
Tweek lowered his head so i held his hand
"After Tweek finally confessed that he was one of the victims..... it somehow got leaked to his school, people started making fun of him which brought his self esteem awfully low"
"And that brought us here, we thought that maybe if we move to another town he can start over" his father finished
We all went silent for a moment, while Tweek was sobbing quietly
"Im so sorry..." Kyle broke the silence
"I-If you want, we'll leave you to rest" Stan said
The mother nodded and the others went and leave

I was about to leave as well until someone held onto my arm
"Wait...." i heard Tweek whisper
He got up and dragged me into his room
I looked back at his parents but his father was looking at me mouthing "go with him"
We went into his room and once the door closed he immediately hugged me, which almost killed me
"Oh!!! S-Sorry"
He let go with a small frown on his face
"What's wrong???" I asked
He paused and sat down on the bed

"It's just that, now that you guys know what I've been hiding your gonna tell everyone and people will start making fun of me again, I don't wanna lose my friends....... I don't wanna lose you..." he started crying so i sat down next to him and put my arm over his shoulders
"I will never, leave you. You're the one who helped me to become a better guy, I can't just leave someone because of what happened to them back then"
He looked at me and smiled, feeling better again
"And without you Craig, I wouldn't have gotten an opportunity to have such kind of friends"
We shared a smile and hanged out for the rest of the day
But the next day


Me and Tweek went to school together like nothing ever happened
But once we stepped on school campus everyone started making fun of him
"Where we're you Tweek??? Having fun with a rapist?"
Everybody laughed around him and with that he ran away
"What the hell guys?!" I flipped them all off and caught up with Tweek
He went into one of the bathroom stalls and i can tell where he was by his sobbing
"Tweek??? It's gonna be alright, im here, I'll protect you!" I said while banging on the door
"Protect me from what Craig?!?! I knew this was gonna happen, i knew i could never trust any of you! What did i ever did wrong? What makes you guys hate me?"
"I don't hate you Tweek, whoever did this their going to get paid"
"How??? Your gonna punch them to death?! Haven't you learned your lesson yet Craig?!"
Realizing that if I didn't see what was in that paper nothing would have happened
This is all my fault
I backed away from the stall and started bolting out of school to my house
What have i done
Pissed at myself i locked the door to my bedroom and started thinking of ways on how to stop this mess, until i got a phone call from Clyde
"What?" I asked, with irritation in my voice
"I can't believe you Craig!!!! How could you just leave Tweek in that bathroom stall?! Once he went out people started throwing trash at him"
Sobbing in the background and someone soothing him im guessing it was Tweek and Token
"Well what am i supposed to do?!?! You we're in this as well!!!"
"I may have been, but i would never leave a friend behind"
He ended the call which made me feel guiltier
But then i had an idea in my mind
Maybe if i finally found out who spread the rumors, i can convince other people to not make fun of him
Without having a better plan i sticked with it since i had nothing else to do
Im so sorry Tweek, but i will try to fix this mess no matter what!!!

Am i nearing the eeeeenddddd??? Well we'll see on my next update hoo hoo hoo
983 words

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