Chapter 10: a helpful visitor

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Tweek's pov

"Positive that he ditch school" Clyde answered
I told Clyde and Token about Craig packing his stuffs to go to the comfort room but ended up not coming back for the whole period
"We uhh heard about what happened to you two" Token blurted out
"Y-Yeah, i really can't forgive him for something like that"
"Im sure he changed, plus that incident was waaaay back"
"W-Well I can't ngh know for sure if he really has changed"
"Tweek you know he started changing ever since you came"
"R-Really???" Hearing that made my stomach flutter with butterflies
"Wait are you..... blushing?!" Clyde pointed out
"WHAT?! I-I was ju-just happy that i can do such a thing!!! Ngh!"
"Awwwww you guys are so cute together"
They chuckled and moved on with another subject

The rest of the day went as usual, just without Craig
I was pretty sad that Craig didn't stay long, made sense since he wasn't really into school and studying

I arrived home
"Mom, D-Dad im home!!!"
I saw my mom and dad working at the kitchen
"When are you gonna introduce you're friend honey?" My mom asked as soon as she heard me announce that im home
"Yeah Tweek i want to meet them too"
I gulped and looked down
I ran upstairs and shut my door
I sighed deeply and sat on the floor, laying at the other side of my door
"Jesus what did i just do"

Kenny's pov

"You guys can stop being lovey dovey now"
I said looking at Kyle and Stan
"You hook up with a lot of people kinny, yet you don't have a fucking date" Cartman stated
"Shut the fuck up, even you don't have one, plus i stopped that habbit long ago dumbass" i spat
"Aye!!! You poor little shit"
"Okay okay, you can stop now" Stan tried stopping us
"Oh yeah? Well at least i have a better body figure than your fat ass!!!"
"That's it!!!!"
Cartman stood up and started coming up to me
"You're gonna regret saying that Kinny, im gonna shoot up the skewl!!" With that Cartman left the lunch table

"He wasn't serious right?" Kyle asked
"For sure"

Time skip

I heading home once i saw Tweek heading in his house
Maybe a short visit won't hurt
I knocked on the door only to be met by a grown man
"Who might you be?"
"Im one of Tweek's friends" i answered
"Oh!!! Come on in"
He let me in and ran to im guessing his wife
"Tweek has more than one friend!!" He whispered loudly to his wife which i can clearly hear
"Well that's great!!!" She replied
They noticed me looking and blushed from embarrassment
"Well im Tweek's father and this is my lovely wife" he wrapped his arm around her while saying that
"Oh well im Kenny" i replied
"Tweek's upstairs if you need him, his room is at the second door on the right"
I nodded and started heading upstairs
I arrived at the door and knocked to make sure it was the right door
And lo and behold, the door creaked open with a spiky blonde hair boy
"AGH!!!! K-Kenny! What b-brings you here?"
"I just wanna hangout"
There was a short silence until he opened the door wider, signaling for me to come inside

His room is pretty simple, fainted green color on the walls with a single bed on the side of the room that can still fit 2 people on and some wardrobes and a closet
A window was above the bed with a green curtain that fit the atmosphere
Every bedroom i go to is always better than mines
I sat on a chair that belonged to a desk while Tweek sat on his bed

"I really thought Craig would be with you honestly" i chuckled
"O-Oh" he answered
I saw him with a sad face which made me a bit worried
"Hey, what's wrong???"
"I-Its, it's just" Tweek started crying
Fuck shit what'd i do now???
I went over to him and tried to comfort him
"You can tell me anything Tweek, im your friend"
"Im sorry Kenny" he said sobbing
"I-I thought he wouldn't change, but i was wrong..."
A gave him a sad look
"I know Craig well even though we're not friends anymore, and i know that he would do anything for you" i smiled warmly
I saw Tweek blushing
"Maybe i was just too harsh, i-I'll talk to him if i can"

After solving the problem me and Tweek talked for a bit and i went home
Wonder what Craig is up to
Hey hey heyyy
You still here??? Hopefully
Aren't you glad Kenny is a good boy, ok i really got nothing to say uwu

816 words

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