Chapter 15: payback

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Craig's pov

I called Stan and Kyle since i can trust them after what's happened
They entered my room with questioning looks
"So, what's up??? We've already let go of Tweek and his family" Stan said
"It's not that" i said
"Well, what is it then?" Kyle asked
"...... do you have any idea who spread the rumors of Tweek getting raped?"
"Someone....... spread it???" Kyle said with concern on his face
"W-Who???" Stan asked
"I don't know!!! That's why im asking you damnit"
"Well the ones who knew about this was us three" Kyle said
"Oh! Clyde also" Stan added
"Yeah and Kenny and...... Cartman.."

we all went silent

"That son of a-"
"Wait Craig! We can't just go there without a plan" Kyle said, stopping me
"I already have one"
Explaining them my plan they agreed to it and we headed out to Cartman's house
I knocked on the door and Cartman's mom opened the door for us
"Oh, why hello there! Are you finding my little Eric?" She asked
"Yes, is he home?" Stan asked
"Luckily he is, he's up in his room"
We went up to his room only to bust it open
"CARTMAN!!!!" Kyle shouted
Cartman was in the middle of having a tea party with his stuff  toys
"Hey!!! Knock on the door first" Cartman said
"What the-" Stan got caught off by me
"Look Cartman, we know it's you. Your the one who spread Tweek's biggest secret!" I protested
"And why would i not? After you got to convince Kenny to not use Tweek and his family as torture devices i was a little unsatisfied" Cartman explained
"Your such an asshole..." Kyle mumbled aloud
"I heard that you damn jew!!!"
"Don't belittle my people Cartman!!!"
"Okay okay!!! Now's not the time to fight about that" Stan said, interrupting their fight
"Cartman you better make everyone stop making fun of Tweek, haven't you felt sorry for him because of what happened in the past?" Stan continued
"Mmmmmm nope" Cartman replied
"Well Cartman if that's how you play the game, your gonna feel sorry"

Stan and Kyle left and before i did i flipped him off
"Fuck you too Craig"
I caught up with Stan and Kyle who was in the middle of thinking a plan
"Sorry my plan didn't work" I interrupted
"It's totally fine dude, right now we got something bigger" Kyle said
"Well what is it?" I asked
"We're gonna make him feel the pain that we felt every time he does something bad to us" Stan said
"How do we do that?"
"Simple, we'll have to get his mom's side on us, without his mom he cant even live" Kyle explained
"When should we start?" I asked
"Later, let's get Kenny in this so he'll know about it" Stan said

We all agreed to the plan and agreed to go there after dinner
Me, Stan and Kyle met up in starks pond and we headed to Kenny's house
Knocking the door i was surprised that it was already open, although i hear glass breaking which is not really a good sign
Going in quietly we managed to pass the drunk father and the pot mother from their argument

"Kenny?" Kyle whispered out, opening the door to Kenny's room
Kenny was soothing Karen down
"What happened?" Stan asked, rushing to their side as me and Kyle follows
"She's just upset that their fighting again" Kenny explained
"It'll be over soon, don't worry" Kenny calmed Karen down
"Why are you here anyways?" Kenny asked
"Well, im not sure if you heard but the rumors somehow spread around school" I said
"I knew, i keep up with the news" Kenny replied
At the corner of my eye i saw his hand clenched
"Cartman did it, we we're gonna ask if you want to come with us to get him back" Stan explained
"Hell yeah im coming"
Kenny stood up and his sister tugged on his parka
"Can i go with? Im too scared to stay here"
"Of course" Kenny lifted her up and carried her by his shoulders
"Let's go" Kyle said

We all headed to Cartman's house, as we knocked on the door it opened to reveal mrs. Cartman
"Oh my! Why are you out this late?"
Mrs. Cartman exclaimed
"We just wanted to talk to you ma'am" Stan said
"To me? Well come on in, it's dark out there"
She let us in and made hot chocolates for all of us, letting us sit at the dining table
"Well what did you want to talk about?" Mrs. Cartman asked
"It's about your son, is he asleep?" I asked
"Why yes he is"
"Well Mrs. Cartman, you're son is really retarded and after he spread the deepest darkest secret of one of our friends, we want to teach him a lesson" Kyle explained
"Hell yes he does!" Mrs. Cartman exclaimed slamming her hands on the table
"That little reckless child of mines has had enough! Embarrassing me in public and manipulating others, i say he DOES need a lesson"
"Woah" i muttered
"I know right" Stan whispered to me
"Mrs. Cartman please keep it down" i said
"Oh yes, im sorry" she sat back down
"What are you gonna do about it?" Mrs. Cartman asked
"Well we we're planning to change up everything you do to him, he can't function a normal life without you" Kyle explained
"All right ill try"
Talking a bit more we bid mrs. Cartman goodbye and left their home
"What're we gonna do now?" Kenny asked
"We gotta stop the people making fun of him" Stan explained
"Aren't we always focused on one problem and try to be part of the solution every week?" I asked
"Yeah, that was back then. Last we did was distracted driving" Kyle said
"Why not bring it up again and talk about bullying?" I asked
"..... that's a great idea!" Stan exclaimed
"Looks like it's gonna be a busy week" Kenny sighed while smiling knowing that this is for their own good
How's the story so far?
Soon this story will end and im still asking you peeps whether i should do a bunny or style book, suggest yours on the comments, don't forget to vote on my chapters, follow me on instagram @campycandy !!!!

1054 words

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